Chapter 11: Miss You

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Miss You - Aaliyah

Reese POV:

Dinner with my mama, yet again. Hopefully it goes better than last time. She needed me to go the store and pick up some wine. She a damn drunk. Don't tell her I said that. I grab a red, white and rosé. Then I go for a few snacks. Just when I was about to turn the corner, I saw him. Him outta all the people I wanted to see the least, Franco.

He gives me a weak smile and waljs right past. He was not getting away from me that easily. I hurry and pay for this stuff and catch him at his car. What? Oh you thought I was gonna put the wine down. Didn't I tell you my mama likes her wine?

He looks at me and that spark that he use to have is gone. He looks slightly broken. Broken that's how he made me feel. From the looks of it karma had dealt it back. "Hey Reese. It's good to see you but I really gotta go." Yeah this is not Franco.

I decide to act. I go over and get in the passenger side of his car and locked the door. "I'm not going anywhere Franco. I can tell you're not together. What's going on?"

"Reese, it's nothing serious. I just got a little medical situation going on."

I just study him. His eyes look off, his skin lacking a little color. I've seen thus before. He doesn't have...

"Cancer. Yeah, but don't worry. They caught it early enough and I've got surgery next week. I didn't wanna tell you cause you would've overreacted."

"Nigga you under-reacting. I know we've been through bullshit, I'm still here for you though."

"Reese, I put my hands on you. I mean I abused you. I was fucked up in the head. Then the drugs I was doing wasn't helping."

"Franco, look I know. I still have some bruises but it's fine. I forgave you when you decided to get help."

"Yeah after it took me getting arrested and counseling. Then going through shit with my cell mate, Hector. He kept trying to make me his."

"I'm not gonna tell you again. Here's what I want you to do. Go home, get fresh, throw some MAC on that face and come over my mama house for dinner."

He raises an eyebrow at my MAC suggestion. He doesn't wear make up but I want him to have some color. I'll hook him up though. I'm a master of the natural look. I'm not with the whole drag queen with a beard thing. You know who I'm talking about.

"I guess I'll come. Does your moms still wish I was dead?"

I laugh at this fool. "Nope. Well I don't think she does. She doesn't even bring you up. So it should be safe for you to come over."

He thinks it over for a second,"Alright, I'm coming. What time?"

"Be there at seven. You know how she is. You late by a minute you gonna have to find your own food."

He laughs and starts up his car. I lean over and kiss his cheek. Why? I don't know. I do know where I'll be next week, right by his side. He smiles at me,"Do I have to worry about your nigga trying to bust me up?"

"Nah, he's a big Teddy bear. You'll be fine. Now bring yo ass to dinner. He laughs as he drives away. I'm a lying bitch. Tra look at him long enough, he'll probably make his skin melt or something. I know he can't stand him. My mama on the other hand, she won't hurt him physically. She really doesn't bring him up though. What have I done?

I get in my car and make the drive to her house. I grab the wine and head inside. The smells that hit my nose make me happy. Oh yeah, it's about to go down. I go into the kitchen and drop the wine off. I would help but she's in the zone. I decide to go sit it the living room. Let me tell you. When she's in the zone don't bother her. My own grandma got hit with a wooden spoon cause she fucked up her flow.

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