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It's going to be alright.
She's going to live.
It's not your fault.
All of these lies I tried to convince myself as I sat in the lobby of the hospital. I fought with my mother often, but never did I think that when she was drunk, she would do something as dumb as driving. After she slammed the front door, I had hear screeching tires as she raced down the street. I tried calling her to apologize, but she wasn't answering my calls. I was worried. She was drunk. She was driving. That could go wrong in a million ways. I got a gut feeling that something was wrong. My phone rang seconds later.
"Hello, this is Dr. Young. Do you know a woman named Lindsey White?"
"That's my mother," I started.
"I'm sorry to inform you, but she's been in a terrible car accident."
I hung up the phone and ran out the door. The hospital was only about 10 blocks away, so I didn't need the car. It was probably destroyed anyway. I got inside, gasping for air. Running was not good without an inhaler. I finally caight my breath.
"I'm looking for Lindsey White."
"Through this door, third room on the right."
I walked down the hall past the first few rooms before I reached mom's. I opened the door and my mouth dropped in shock. There were cords practically everywhere. A machine was keeping her heart beating. Dr. Young came in.
"She's in a coma."
A single tear slipped down my cheek.
"I'm afraid she won't survive."
In that moment my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.
"Visiting hours are over."
I left the room and sat in the lobby. And now here I am.
"Ms. White?"
The voice of a young woman jolted me from my sleep.
"That's me!" I raised my hand, remembering I was in the lobby of the hospital.
"You can see your mother now."
I went back into the room where my mother lay, almost lifeless.
"I love you mom. And if we never see again, goodbye."
I started to cry when the heart monitor made a long slow beep, indicating mom's heart wasn't beating.
"Someone help! Her heart isn't beating!"
A large team of doctors came rushing in trying to bring her back. Dr. Young came over to the corner I was standing in.
"Ma'am, I'm afraid she's dead."

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