A New Horizon(9yrs later)

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KD shot down one of the droids. Then another, and another.

"KD look out!" She already saw it coming.

      Jumping out of the way of a blast, she rolled to the side, then hid behind a wall. Now out of range she called back, "It would do you good to listen to your own words!" Reloading her blaster, she looked up and saw her group take cover as well.

Snipe took a stand beside her and shot from behind the obstacle that was their cover. Across from them, behind another short wall, were the rest. "I did!" Snipe said over the blaster fire. She only rolled her eyes.

     Crossing her arms over her chest, KD dropped down into a sitting position and leaned against the wall rather casually. She advised him, "You might want to aim a little higher otherwise that wall is the only thing your shots will be hitting." It was true and KD didn't need to see the red plasma shoot from his gun and hit the wall on the other side of their cover to know. She saw his posture. His elbow was a little low as he was shooting rapidly. "Yea well at least I am shooting."

"Fair point," she conceded, but remained where she was.
        They were in training doing a combat session with their entire squad. KD was nine now, or in human years, 18. clones aged faster than regular humans.
             The goal of this mission was simple: fight past the droids and get to the top of the platform. Once on the platform, they had to take the glowing red staff and hold it high in the air. Ghost Squadron, her squadron,  had already gotten past the outer defenses of the training droids without having to use a single grenade. They had taken them all out.

      "KD what are you doing? Don't just sit there!" Jax called from the other wall. Jax was a fiery one. More so than her. He preferred the big and heavy kind of weapons, and out of the entire Ghost squad, he was the loudest.

            Ghost Squad was named for their elusiveness and silence. They were very hard to catch and very good. Their style was quick and stealthy, but sometimes they liked to go all out. Go all out as in: shoot the circuits out of the droids. They had recently been getting restless. Eager.

      She muttered in response, "Whatever." With that, she launched into action. Taking her blaster, she spun out of her cover and in the middle of the fray of blasters. She shot quickly and dodged several green blazes which she knew would hurt if they hit.

          Thankfully, the training armor was decent enough to protect her from the ones she wasn't agile enough to avoid. Raising her blaster she shot one of the droids straight in its tin-can head and it fell backwards with a clank. She took out another in two hits and the final in a single. Silence came over the battle field and they all knew what was next. "Turrets!" She called.

"Fan out!"
They did.

               The training room was large. Each group started from the left end and had to make their way up to the tall, tall, very tall tower somehow. Usually it was by using ascension cables to zip line up, but that didn't always work out. On the wall of the tower were small guns, the turrets, that activated once the droids were down. It was amazing they had taken out all forty of the droids with only five people.

Amazing, but not surprising, she thought to herself and smirked. Ghost Squad was by far the best and most elite out of all the other ones here on Kamino.

       Once everyone was surrounding the turrets and hiding behind something, a wall or a pillar, she saw them all look her way. It was  she who was in the center, and she who was the leader. Jax was second. It had taken a few years to establish this arrangement, and even longer for Jax to finally back down, but it was solid now. They were solid now. An unbreakable squad.

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