Chapter 29

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       As soon as we got into the air I called Garcia and Savannah. To be honest I was taking this a lot better then I thought, and what Spencer thought as well."Savannah how are they?" I said.
"Lucas is asleep in Penelope's arms, and Krista is getting her daily meds."
"How's Hank doing with this?"
"Like his father, he cares but he's been stealing the attention from everyone."
"That's sounds about right."
"At least the difference is, Hank naps more then Morgan."
"What do they have her on-I'm sorry to change the subject like that, I-I just want to know."
"Just some meds to help with her belly, they might be helpful in the future."
"Thank you so much. We're on our way home. We're still working this case with NCIS, but something else came up."
"Oh-I'm sorry, I've got to go. Krista is asking for jello."
"What kind?"
"Of course, she's going to be asking soon if you can talk with her. She thinks the only time you can have a meal is with a prayer and the most important thing is green jello!"(Movie reference!) Just then in the background I heard Krista's voice, I'm not sure what she said but it still made me smile.
"You're right, she just asked me."
"I love her. How's Lucas?"
"I think he'll do a lot better with his parents, other wise he's just like Spencer."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Sits there, looking around with curiosity in his eyes."
"You haven't seen it?" I looked at Spencer, and he was looking around the jet with the slightest curiosity in his eyes.
"I'm seeing it now, how did you notice?"
"I just can."
"I've got to go, something's off. I'll be there soon."
"Alright, I'll see you soon. Can I talk to Morgan?"
"Yup." I gave the phone to Morgan and walked over to Emily. She was looking out the window, and messing with her phone as well."Emily what's wrong?"
"I'm back." She said turning to me.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, of course not. It's just....I had a life back in London, and I'm giving that up to be here."
"We all shut a door in order to open a new one. Sometimes what's on the other side of that door is something we don't want to enter into, but it's our way to go through life-through."
"I didn't understand some of that but I get what you're saying. What if I'm not qualified to lead this team?"
"Emily, Hotch asked for YOU to take over his position. If you weren't qualified, you would be in your way back to London right now, not with us."
"Right." She seemed less tense then she was a few seconds ago, good that's the last thing she needs."By the way, how's the little ones?"
"I just talked with Savannah, Krista's asking for jello."
"I know right. Lucas is loving Penelope, he keeps falling asleep in her arms."
"Ok, now that's adorable!"
"Glad to see that you're with us again, even though I wasn't here when you first left."
"Mackenzie it doesn't matter when you came, or even when you leave. It just matters that you're doing the right thing." I looked at her confused, what is she saying? Is she trying to tell me that I'm leaving or something? Spencer walked over to us and sat down next to me. He looked at me and something g wasn't right.
"What's wrong?"I said almost in a whisper tone.
"I don't know."
"What does that mean? (That's the statement of the day, I guess)."
"I guess it's that, we haven't spent enough time together."
"What are you saying?" I said giving him the 'you can't be serious' look.
"You and I-just you and I."
"Ok, that makes more sense-and you're right we haven't."
"After all of this, we are going on a vacation."
"What about the kids? You know Lucas is to young."
"We'll figure something out." I put my head on his shoulder and Emily looked at me, I think she still wanted to talk. Spencer noticed and got up to his original seat.
"What is it?" I said moving over to her.
"I still need to call my boyfriend Mark! I don't want I break his heart. I feel that I've been running from everything and everyone, I can't keep doing this."
"You said you need to call him, I suggest calling him when we land."
"You're right, thank you."
"No problem. We should be landing soon, I'll see you across the aisle."
"Don't go to far!"
"I won't." I went back took out my book. I read till we landed, at that point I just wanted to go to the hospital to be with my kids.
When we got there, I texted Savannah to let her know we're there. She came to take us to her room and Lucas was awake and a happy baby, Krista on the other hand was trying to keep her eyes open."Hey there Babes!" I said at the foot of her bed.
"Momma." She said in a half excited, half exhausted.
"How are you feeling?"
"I don't feel good mommy."
"You're ok, we're ok, that's what's important."
"I need to sleep."
"Sleep, you need it."
"Night momma."
"Before, talk won't your dad a bit, ok?" She shook her head yes, and I had to sit down. There was to much moving around the past few days, docs not going to be to happy with me. I went over to Penelope and Lucas, he saw me and his face lite up."Aw, looks like someone missed mom!" Penelope said with a big smile.
"At least you know who I am!" Penelope handed him over to me and he started calming down, but still really happy.
"You have no idea how much I've learned. I think I learn more from a baby then a case!"
"Penelope, you're half right, you can learn only so much from this child. With a case you learn a bunch of things, but you never use those facts again. But as you know with a kid, you use those facts/skills all the time and continue to improve them."
"I didn't think of it like that!"
"Well that's how my brain works." Spencer walked up behind me, I knew he was going to say a fact so I stopped him."Spencer, not now. You can tell me later, I'm to tired for this."
"I was going to say, Krista went to bed."
"Oh well, I'm sorry."
"But you do bring up a good point."
"At least it's a good point!"
"Right, not now."I nodded and Penelope laughed.

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