Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up to my dad calling."What?"
"Did someone wake up in the wrong side of the bed?"
"No, you woke me up!"
"Ok, well we'll be over in an hour."
"I should tell you, we might be next door seeing the babies."
"Oh ya, Gray came in yesterday with a puppy! We went next door, and there were six puppies!"
"Kirsta will love this!"
"We're taking two of them!"
"You guys are having a kid plus three others?"
"Don't tell her!"
"Doesn't she hate surprises?"
"Ya but she can deal with this one!"
"What if I come later when she falls asleep and she can wake up with a bunch of puppies around her?"
"David Rossi would never say that!"
"Why is it a bad idea?"
"No, but I never expected you to say that!"
"I guess there's a first for everything!"
"Hmhm I guess. I'm going to take a shower, call me when you're on your way!"
"Will do! Bye sweetheart!"
"Bye dad!" He hung up and I got up, to my  surprise Gray was right there-in front of my feet..... I think you know what happened!*Trips over dog*"Spencer!"
"Hmhm?" He said yawning.
"I'm on the ground!"
"Do your you need help?"
"No, I want you to push me down the stairs!"
"Are you ok?" He said in a panic
"I have to get up, but my knee kinda hurts." I tried standing up, but couldn't.
"It might be bruised."
"Oh it is! I feel it!"
"Ok, I guess I'll help you up, and you should get in the shower."
"I was going there before I realized Gray was there." He was sanding there staring at me, I grabbed his ankle and tried pulling myself up. When that didn't do anything, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I sat on the bed and put my leg up."What if I don't want to do anything?" I said rubbing my knee.
"When you fell you had direct contact, which causes a knee contusion or bruise! You need to keep it elevated and put ice on it for about 15 minutes to keep the swelling down."(Don't ask how I know this!)
"That had nothing to do with my question!"
"It sounded rhetorical, and I thought you would like to know."
"Can I take a shower than I can do all this? I feel disgusting!" He kissed the top of my head and he walked away. I slowly made it to get to my main goal. Sure enough right when I get in my dad calls, and of course Spencer answered.
     After my shower I needed to put my leg up, but I also need to get ready. I got my ice and went in the bathroom and sat down in front of the tall mirror. I was getting ready when I heard little feet running into my room. I pretended not to notice till she came in. When Krista ran up to me, I turned and tickled her."M-mommy!" She said laughing.
"What is it Honey?"I said stopping.
"Can I wear makeup?"
"Maybe a bit."I put some mascara on her and her face lit up.
"I look just like you!"
"But you're cuter! I can't even take you right now!"
"W-what did I do mommy?" She said sadly.
"Oh nothing Honey! I just meant you are to cute and I just can't take the cuteness, it's to much to handle!"
"Oh, I guess I'm that cute!"
"Hey, you can't sass me!"
"Oh ya, only grandpa, daddy, Uncle Morgan, or anyone trying to talk me into or out of something!"
"Good girl!" She smiled and ran out, I love her. I finished getting ready and my knee wasn't as swollen. I went into the kitchen and looked at the spot where Hotch shot Miranda. I heard footsteps but didn't pay attention. For some reason it scared me,"Sweetheart are you ok?"My dad said.
"What-oh ya! I'm fine.."
"Are you sure? You looked like you're remembered something."
"Oh ya, I did."
"Are you going to tell me or watch the grass grow?"
"It's just about last night. It's a long story!"
"After Krista sees the little ones!"
"Fine! Dad do you think this job will get easier?"
"What do you mean?"
"When the unsub-like doesn't want to get caught so they do everything in their power not to. If that means messing with an agent. Or for example if it is someone from my past, and they come back to take revenge on me. I don't see when that would get get easier on me or even Krista!"
"Are you speaking from experience?"
"I guess ya."
"Well it could be if you let it."
"What do you mean?"
"If you let them in your head, they can and the will do anything in order to mess with you like that. If you let them in your head, it can quickly get personal."
"Thanks-changing subjects, let's go see the little ones!" He nodded and I told the other two that we were going next door.
When we got over there Mrs. Payton had one of the puppies in her hand. "Mrs. Payton, where did you get that?"
"It's my puppy!"
"Aren't you a little old for that?" When she said that my eyes widened and elbowed Spencer, he did not tell Krista what I think she said!
"Umm-their Baileys puppies, not mine mine!"
"Oh I guess that makes sense. Can I see them please?"
"Of course." I sighed and we went in awkwardly. I didn't want to discuss this with Spencer, and I didn't want to bring it up with Mrs. Payton. I just stud there smiling at Krista cuddling with the puppies. I started crying and everyone stared at me."Mackenzie are you ok?" Spencer said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"It's to cute! I just can't take it!"
"The word cute was first published in a dictionary in 1731, it was originally shortened from acute!"
"I-I'm sorry! I just-don't be offended-why did I need to know that?"
"I'm sorry!"
"You know I get that a lot!"
"Ya-hey how should we tell Morgan we got him a puppy?"
"I think dinner would be good!"
"We're strange!"
"We are!"
"Ya." I stopped crying and went over and sat with Krista, Bailey, Gray, and the puppies. The puppies are only a week old, we can get the two when they are 3-4 weeks, I guess we got some time!
  But of course just as we were getting comfortable, we got a case!"Spencer we should just tell them up front when we drop her off! It's just going to be easier, and the kids can think of names with Savannah and Morgan!"
"Ok, should we have Gray go to Morgan's as well?"
"I'll ask Savannah!" I texted her and immediately she responded."She said that would be great! One less thing to worry about!"
"Spencer you haven't been talking much, your responses have been real short! Is everything alright?"
"Um-I'm not feeling the best!" He hugged me and stepped back.
"Could it be about earlier?"
"Which time?"
"When you were crying."
"Spence, I love you and I love that you're not scared to just say random things! It was just for some reason that time I was caught off guard."
"That doesn't make sense."
"You know when I would blurt out a fact, or a quote! How would that catch you off guard?"
"I don't even know. We should get her down to the Morgan Babysitting Service before Hotch calls!"
"That's right! Should I go with your dad?"
"What happened last time?"
"Right, I'll tell him to leave without me! I'll have Krista help me with the dog, and I'll get the bags."
"Mines at work!"
"I had to repack mine."
"I did that earlier this week, I'll do yours next time."
"Ok." We started getting everything ready and got into the car.

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