Chapter 3

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When we walked into the bullpen I saw Miranda sitting at Spencer's desk looking through his book stash. I started walking over there but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. By than I saw it was my dad, he walked over to the board and helped JJ put stuff on the board."So what do we know?"He said looking at the board with his hands on his hips.
"That Mackenzie is getting stalked!"
"Sadly yes-anything else?"
"This unsub takes people, bring them into the park, kill them, and wrap them with cotton candy."
"So why cotton candy, the unsub could have done something easier to work with?"I remembered what Spencer was saying earlier so I perked up and my eyes widened."Spencer was saying earlier that the unsub chose some of the busiest spots in the park. Everyone would have cotton candy-remember when we went to the fair awhile ago, we all had some cotton candy. We didn't have much of anything else."
"I see what you're saying but it has been the most popular in forever!"
"I'm guessing you don't even know how long?"
"That's true, but it could be that he thought that they were sweet or something like that." Spencer got up and looked at the board for a second than turned around."Well cotton candy has been around 119 years-but the candy was wrapped the most around the chest area so it could mean that they thought they had a soft heart, they were caring towards others."
"That works!" Hotch came in and told us that Penelope found out who the victims are and all of the parents of the victims are coming soon, and he gave everyone some parents to talk to them. I got the parents to Zane Raven, Kelly Chatter, and Rose O'Neal. The three of them were in the same group that Spencer an I found. I had some time before they all came so I went into the break room, Spencer and JJ followed as well. 
     I got coffee and sat down at the small table there, JJ and Spencer sat down too."So how's wedding planning?"
"There isn't much to do anymore!"
"But was it stressful?"
"It's better than being stalked! I'll take wedding planning any day if it means that I won't have to deal with a creep with problems!"
"What-what does that mean?"
"There-there were pictures of me in work, they probably work here!"
"You make that sound like it's a good thing."
"That narrows down the search, we could run background checks on everyone!"
"Well they already got background checks, that's how they are allowed to work here."
"What if they don't work here, they were a fill in?"
"It's possible but not by much."I dialed Garcia's number but I couldn't press the call button, a part of me didn't want to know, but the other half wanted it all to know everything."Aren't you going to call her?"Spencer said with that cute worried face he has had lately.
"I don't know-I have the parents to talk to. I got to go, see you later!" I didn't know if they were there or not I just didn't know what to do. Luckily as I walked out they started walking in, I took them down the hall where there were some benches so we sat down and I asked them questions about the victim. Nothing really stuck out besides they all said that the victim had been hanging out with a girl, and she always wanted to go do crazy things. I walked them out and they all looked at Miranda, and started crying."What's wrong?"
"That's the girl!"
"Ok, let me walk you out quickly. Thank you for your time!"
"I just want my baby back!" They all nodded and went into the elevator, and I sassy walked(Lets pretend there s such a thing...for now!)over to Miranda."So why were you with the victims?"
"I would never be apart of this!"
"But you were from the start, those parents won't have their kids coming home tonight!"
"Not my fault!"
"It is-how's my mom?!?"
"Well she's angr-you tricked me!"
"Not really I just asked you a question, and now I know that you and my mom have been teaming up!"
"How do you know this?"
"Well she left me a letter, and she left me some hints-plus you just told me!"
"No I didn't!"
"I'm leaving!"
"You can leave but not the state please-while you're at it tell that to my mom!"
"How do you know I'm going and seeing her?"
"Because if you guys are partners, you spend a lot of time together, plotting stuff and a lot of other law breaking crap!"
"Bye!" She ran out the building and I realized everyone was staring at me, Spencer and JJ walked up to me and I took a deep breath."What was that?"
"One of thee parents said that Miranda always hung out with the victims-well at least three of them."
"Well how did you know that she was involved?"
"She has been acting weird, she works here, and she said she's been working with my mom."
"Good list, but how do we know that she and your mom killed those people?"
"At the SAME place there was a board with me all over it!"
"That could mean something but not solid evidence!"
"I know, but I don't think she'll be leaving the state!"
"Well you heard everything!"
"Good point-why did you let her leave?"
"How else was she going to tell my mom that I know she's alive?"
"Funny!" She walked away but Spencer was still standing there."Yes, do I look different to you?"
"No, just prettier!"
"I know, but I'm worried that they might come after you."
"They already are, I know it!"
"Please don't say that!"
"I know, but you know I'm not scared of them."
"You aren't?"
"No Miranda is just-I honestly don't know. I haven't really figured that part out yet, but my mom she wants to get back at me for getting rid of her only connection for anything John. She isn't a normal mother, she does everything different, she doesn't want me to have a happy life, she wants to ruin everything-calm down!"I had to take a moment and calm down, My dad and Hotch walked up, they tried to ask what's going on but they were in that moment. After that I told them what happened and Hotch didn't seem to happy."So why did you just let her walk out?"My dad said sitting down in Spencer's desk chair.
"She could tell mom that I know she's alive."
"There's more to that, I know it!"
"Well I kinda slipped my phone into her purse so we could track it later."
"Ya when we have more evidence against them!"
"Smart-wait what if she finds the phone?"
"She won't, when she went to the bathroom I found a hole and I put it through there and patched the hole up quickly."
"All that in a bathroom trip?"
"Not explaining this one!" I walked off with my hands in the air.

       Guys Criminal Minds season 12 is coming out on September 28 I screamed when I saw this, this is just a small Fangirl moment! So sorry if anyone hates this.

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