Celine 🌹

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I cut the engine of my bike as I park in my usual spot, many Werewolves eyes snap over to me as my scent reaches them. They look at me with lust, disgust, pity, fear, and curiosity. I pull my helmet off and I can smell each of their emotions clouding the parking lot like fog covering the city. I pay it no mind as I am used to being stared at, being suffocated by fear. Considering I am a forbidden creature something that the councils should have killed at birth or hunted down until they were able to showcase my body on a stake at the werewolf council grounds or able to use me as a weapon in the vampire council. I run my fingers through my black locks making my wild curly hair more presentable as if that will help with the stares. Swinging my leg off my bike, I grit my teeth together in pain once my full weight is on it. The pain is due to the bite marks in my thigh from the prior night's rogue encounter. They were almost healed up. He had almost sliced through my entire leg and due to me not feeding my ability to heal was weakened. My leg was fusing together only to be ripped apart with every step like wet paper. We had tracked and taken down the rogue that was leering city people into the woods only to hunt them as food. He didn't go down easily and managed to seep his teeth into my leg and part of my ass before I put a bullet in between his eyes. I could still see the terror in his eyes as he felt my gun barrel against his forehead. Before he could move to let my leg go, I had pulled the trigger. It's a crazy thing feeling someone take their last breath that connected to you. I had seen it a hundred times but never truly felt it like that. But the pack and Scar wouldn't see him as someone who was lost, he was a rabid dog that needed to be put down or controlled. And I was the only one who a rabid dog feared.

Dylan my younger brother walks away from his werewolf crowd as they lean against the brick building smoking forbidden roots. When he reaches he looks down his nose at me. "Why are you here Cel" he asks keeping his tone controlled and low. But I can see his battle to remain calm, his wolf wanting nothing more than to challenge me for the title I discarded. To most it would look like a normal conversation but with Dylan it was always a mission report a chance for him to prove to our father that I was unstable to be Alpha, to finally give up on me the lost cause. Not like I wanted to be Alpha but that wasn't going to stop Elijah from forcing it on me when he retired. Standing tall I ignore my body's pain taking a breath and swallowing it down as I sit my helmet on my bike. "If you must know Dylan, I came to find Sutton" the mention of Sutton causes Dylan to step back. Sutton was a vampire who ran the supernatural block here in Clark and worked with Scar the rogue Alpha. No one did or said anything without Sutton knowing. No one knew her true age but some said she walked the world with the first humans. Pushing past him I walk over to Venom. The outside of the club is painted red and you feel a vibration from the blaring music inside.

Floyd the bouncer looks at me before nodding his head allowing me to pass, groans and complaints can be heard behind me as I enter cutting their line. I move around bodies trying to avoid anyone touching my wounds. I make it to the dark back of the club and knock on a hidden door five times. I hear the stomp of a foot and the door slides open just enough for me to squeeze inside. Sutton sits at a desk looking up at me through her long lashes. I forget each time just how beautiful she is. Edward and Burt are in there with her the two large men look compacted into the room while their boss has plenty of breathing room. She flickers her wrist at me as she hold a pen her eyes are down reading over something. "What can I do for you tonight darling besides getting that wound closed up. I can smell it from here" her voice is like the wind sending chills through my body. "Blood and Wolf's bane please, seven flowers" The two large men watching my every move. Clearing her throat she puts the pen down and scoots away from her desk leaning down she returns with a bag of crushed purple wolf's bane. Burt goes to a closet and returns with a box with a purple flower on it. I immediately know that is far more than seven flowers and from the smell contains more than just wolf's bane. Sutton clears her throat and when I look back at her, she tosses the bag to me and I catch it with ease feeling the bliss of control soon to come. "You're gonna kill your wolf with that shit baby. I told you just embrace it all" She says. "How much" I ask knowing she's going to have to charge me for the extras and I can only hope there are some new bullets among the mess. She smiles that wicked grin I have learned means trouble after years of doing business with her. Quickly she is at the other side of the room pulling up her cctv footage pointing at a booth. I walk over to her looking and let out a sign. On the camera is Angelo dealing in her club which was a huge no for Sutton no matter if you were her friend. Sutton hands me a glass of blood and I reluctantly take it. As I drink I feel my wounds begin to heal and I feel my strength come back but I also feel the wolf pounding to get out as the real beast awakens. "Do this and consider it a gift Darling". I reach in my bag getting ready to take some of the wolf's bane to calm my wolf as I didn't need that much power for this. But Sutton puts a hand on mine preventing me from taking the sedative. "There is a higher pack in town and a few of their wolves passing through, better keep the full monster awake just to be safe" she says and I heed the warning shoving the wolf's bane in my pocket, I look at Burt and my box before I turn making my way out to Angelo. I needed the fix.

He's in the corner next to the booth showing the wolves spells and concoctions he had to enhance abilities of all natures. Angelo was a great guy. He had fed me and supplied me when I was first starting until I got mixed in with Sutton and she showed me things he could never. When Angelo sees me his face drops and I allow my wolf to creep forwards my eyes turn black with blue pupils showing my hybrid, fur outlines my face and my teeth show. The group looks up at me all of them too letting their wolves forward. I am out numbered but they were no match for me as they were betas at most and Alpha may be able to hold their own against me for a short time before that monster comes out. "Celine it's lovely to see you how long has it been" Angelo smiles panic still written on his face. I step forward letting the light from the table cast on my face so he sees me clearly. I can hear Sutton's security moving other club goers out of the way. I know why, it was because she liked it messy. I give Angelo a sad look the poor elf had no chance against me. It made me feel horrible knowing it. "You really are gonna wish you never saw me, I'm so sorry, but you know Sutton's rules" when I say it he understands slowly gathering his things back into his coat. He grabs his hat sliding it on and hiding his ears. "Sutton wants you to be a lesson. Run fast" once I say it I grab the back of the head of the wolf next to me slamming his head into the booth table. Angelo takes the moment I have given him and begins to try and run but I know Sutton if she didn't have at least a drop of his blood on the ground she'd make me pay. So I snatch him by the collar of his jacket yanking him back and slamming him on the ground. I let my vampire speed help me as I dig my claws into his chest and fight off the group of werewolves now coming at me. The second I smell blood I retract my claws and turn to the group. Within seconds I have the group contained and Angelo has scurried off somewhere far. But Sutton has blood on the dance floor and from the laugh she gives as she comes from the shadows is approval.

"The legendary hybrid" she screams to the on lookers. There are gasps and stares and she walks straight to me stepping over ego bruised wolves who stumble to their feet then there is a clap behind me. We both turn and are greeted by Theo. He is standing at the balcony watching Sutton's show. "A great show of Venom's favorite hybrid my lovely Celine. Let's get back to the party shall we" he smiles raising both hands and flicking his wrist. With the motion the speakers begin to blare the familiar club music. The dark look he gives Sutton and I leads us to him. When I'm in front of Theo, he grins smiling and kisses me deeply. Theo claps. "Wolf's bane now my love we don't want any mishaps and Scar is on his way" its a demand and I reach in my pocket quickly taking the wolf's bane while Sutton looks guilty and like she wants to slap the wolf's bane from my hands. The flowers dries my mouth as I chew them it burns my mouth and throat like an active fire. When I absorb it I feel knocked down a few pegs and lean on Sutton to adjust to the lack of power. She steads me and I can tell her and Theo are speaking but as my wolf fades to the back having my vampire take full control I feel incomplete and the music pounds my ear drums before I stead and stand straight. Theo hands me a glass of his artificial blood sitting on the VIP couch looking serious. I sit next to him and drink the blood as he wraps an arm around me kissing the side of my temple. "I need everyone on there best behavior for the next few moons. We have a royal wolf passing through town and Scar doesn't want us ruffling any feathers. He needs to pass through quietly but we will host him one night" Theo looks at me. "Scar wants you no where near here when that wolf passes" I know when Theo says it its because they do not what me finding my mate.

There was no keeping me if I found my mate and he demanded me. No keeping my monster.

Alpha's Rogue Daughter (Rewritten as Immortal Soul) Vampire Werewolf HybirdWhere stories live. Discover now