Mate ♥️

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I sniff the air and smell it's rotten smell from above. Most likely it had stayed hidden in the ceiling all this time. I can feel my face shift as I use my strength to jump up punching into the ceiling. I grab the creature by it's neck pulling it down onto the floor. I slam it into the floor and the young girl begins to scream in terror no doubt alerting every supernatural within a mile radius of our exact location. Theo found me now if he was looking. The creature is a young girl as well about 15 fresh to being a shadow Walker. "Leave my sister alone" the girl screams and I look at her as she lets her wolf face show wanting to protect the creature. I place my foot on the teen shadow walkers neck and look at her as she thrashes around. She attacks like a wolf. Moments later two other shadow walkers enter a male and women who how they snarl at me I assume are mom and dad. The young girl confirms it as she says dad save her. Pleading with the creature. But they do not acknowledge her to far gone in the infection just look at me to save their changed offspring. Shadow walkers were funny like that they had a connecting to other shadow walkers but not those of their past. But this family was different. They snarled more like wolves and the one under my foot attacked like a wolf. The young girl in the corner was clearly wolf but how would that be possible, shadow walkers where vampires. The pair charged me and I kicked the girl under me in the head knocking her out cold and I lunged for the other two. We scratched and bite at each other. I blocked as many attack as I could and then my vision was flooded as a scent over took me. It smelt of brown sugar, trees, rain and smoke. One of the shadow walkers took my distraction as an opportunity to dig its claws from my neck down to my belly button. I groaned in pain and then a man appeared snatching the man by the throat. I fought the women shadow Walker when I heard Theo's voice saying a spell and the women began to scream before bursting into flames. The young girl screamed for her mom and began to sob. I turn to see her face covered in fear. Moving towards her I stood infront of her in protection when Scar, Sutton, the goons and wolves entered the small office space. The man ripped the shadow walkers head off throwing the body and head from the room out of view and then everyone turned towards the unconscious one on the floor. Quickly I snatched her by her arm dragging her to me and snarling at the bunch. The goons knowing they would not win a fight didn't step forward but the wolves snarled back showing different variations of their wolves but no one completely shifting. "Leave her" the man said turning to us causing his wolves to stand down and he voice sent my body on fire and all my hairs stood at attention. My wolf awakened pounded inside of me to shift and get out but the wolfsbane I had consumed kept me at bay. I had never awoken on wolfsbane. I looked to Scar to see him giving me a look that would cause most to cower away as rage flooded off of him. When the man looked at me everything in my life stopped and my heart screamed mate. The man had a strong jaw, tan skin, long brown hair with slight curls in it and red alpha eyes. Without a thought I grabbed the little girl and the unconscious teen and jumped for the window. I could hear Sutton scream my name while the unfamiliar man my now mate yelled for me to stop. I took both girls on my shoulders and booked it as fast as I could leaving the others behind.

We entered the building where the scream came from and heard snarling upstairs. I was hit with the same scent from last night calling me to find it. My wolf knowing it was our mate. When I got upstairs there was my mate fighting two shadow walkers. She had black curly wild hair and was visibly dirty and bloody. In the corner was a young wolf girl with light brown hair, fair skin and equally as dirty screaming in fear. My mate stopped fighting for a moment sniffing the air and then a male shadow Walker torn his claws into my mate. I saw red in that moment and snatched the shadow Walker from her. No one would hurt my mate and live. I heard the little girl screaming as the warlock burst the female shadow Walker into flames and she screamed for her mother. As I torn the males head off I tossed him out of the room and down to the 1st floor keeping him from the young girls eyes. Turning my mate stood protectively in front of the little girl and held an unconscious shadow Walker at her first. My heart torn thinking my mate was protecting shadow walkers but the rage that was coming off Scar as he stared at her made me know he knew exactly who she was. My wolves snarled and I told them to leave her. I looked at her as she snarled breathing heavy her wound slowly bringing to heal. She was gorgeous. Her skin was brown her, she had a round face and small button nose and her lips were big and called for me to kiss then. Then within seconds she jumped out the window taking the shadow Walker and young girl with her. I screamed at her to stop and rushed to the window watching her fade into the tree line just a block away. The vampire screamed the name Cel. Turning to Scar his puppets looked on in fear. Obviously they knew the girl very well and were involved in the shadow Walker incline in this area. "Let's remain calm Alpha Aren" Scar said holding his hands up. I hadn't realized I was shifting and shaking in anger. Letting out a breath I looked at Skylar attempting to calm myself. "Track her, now" I growled my teeth shifting to my wolfs as I was loosing the battle of shifting. My beta gave a sharp nod and shifted attempting to locate the girl. "Someone had better start explaining this situation to me now" Scar looked at his warlock and with a blink the man was gone and then my hand was around Scar's neck. "I have sent him to search as well. We do not know who that was and are just as much in the dark as you are" Scar said and I listened to his heart beat to detect his lies but nothing his heart stayed steady. Looking to the vampire she kept her face stone. But I had swore I heard her scream a name. She looked at me in my eyes and repeated what Scar said. They did not know her. I let Scar go and look to my pack they hear my thoughts and understand perfectly. Watch them. I go around the building sniffing for any clues. My mates scent is everywhere. She was a wolf and like everyone she came from a pack first. I know there are three packs in town the Full Moon Pack, Red fur, and Pack White. Guess my pack visits would be early. Pulling out my phone I dial Delilah, she picks up on the second ring "Hunt I'm getting bored" she says and I can hear the other pack members through the phone. "No need to continue hiding at the motel anymore. Come to Clark. It's time to show my packs strength. I have shadow walkers populating a city warehouse far too close to humans and packs, we need to clear them out and I found her" I tell her and I can hear Delilah's breath hitch and then movement as she makes her way outside. "Lea will not be happy about that brother" Delilah says sounding upset but then her tone changes "I'm so happy for you though. I know what this means to you. How beautiful is she". "She gorgeous but we can't get too excited I'm still mateless and she ran with a shadow Walker and a girl" I run my hand down my face feeling exhausted. "I'll kill her" my sister says and I laugh into the phone. "I'd kill you then Del and I don't wanna do that so if it comes to it. I'll handle her. Meet me in the morning at the Full Moon pack territory. Elijah Smith has been pack leader for years. He will know something" we say goodbye and get off the phone and I howl for my men. Scar wouldn't get far if I needed to find him. I was more concerned with getting answers and he was playing a game he would end up losing.

Alpha's Rogue Daughter (Rewritten as Immortal Soul) Vampire Werewolf HybirdOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant