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Loud sobbing ensued from the movable crib I had placed in the living room where Kalamity lay. I was taking hot pans out of the oven, and nervously swatted the hot air away. Alessandro was having a meeting in his office and he wants everything very quiet to discuss. Of course, she has to start crying.

I set down the pans and quickly rushed to calm Kally. "'s okay baby, it's mommy your okay" I said holding her against my chest. She must be hungry. With a check at the clock I saw Alessandro would be done soon. Then we would have a dinner with the clients, I couldn't let them see me like this. I put the food onto plates and then rushed upstairs to get dressed. Luckily I had the forethought to take a shower this morning.

I was breastfeeding Kally as I watched the news. The club shooting, and the building somewhat coming down was everywhere.

"It seems that the shooters are unidentifiable. In this part of the city, it's not safe to be out here past ten and a club attracts a lot of people. The police assume the mobs are involved, but no investigation is going further" she said.

"Good, because that's the last thing we need" I muttered under my breath. After feeding Kalamity I laid her down and then changed into a knee length black dress and lace sleeves. I left my long hair flowing, and applied a little bit of makeup.

Then with Kalamity in my arms I made my way downstairs to get the table together. "Great to have this talk" said Alessandro's voice. "Yes very so" said one. "Hello, I'm Ms. Kopenev I made some dinner would you guys like some?" I offered. I saw Daniel, a two other men. There was a wife with one of them and she looked like she didn't get out much, but she was very beautiful.

Her long brown hair brought out her light brown eyes and Carmel skin. "I'm Andrina nice to meet you" she said shaking my hand. "Amber. It's a pleasure to meet you" I smiled. "Ugh your daughter is so cute. My husband Victor and I have three, their so wonderful" she cooed. "Yes Kalamity is a blessing" I said smiling. Alessandro put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

Daniel looked lonely, but swore he wasn't. I needed to set him up, asap. With a smile at my brother we sat down around the table. "I am your brothers advisatory Nikolai" said the other man with a stern look. "Nice to meet you" I said softly. "So Amber have you ever been to Russia?" Asked Andrina with a raised eyebrow. She seemed to be married into the business, since her husband; Victor, resembled the Russians.

"I was born there, but then we quickly moved to New York when the mob was expanding. I would like to go back sometime" I commented. Andrina nodded, taking a sip of her wine. "And you Alessandro?" She asked. "Born in Italy, stayed until I was twelve" he commented dryly. "We have been discussing a plan" started Daniel "it includes the Russians and Italians".

"What is the plan?" I asked confused. Alessandro ate his food silently, and watched our conversation. "We are starting a ground up company, we will specialize in casinos on the cover but under we can have our meetings there, and transport products under the suraface. F&K Industries" he said. My mouth dropped and I turned to Alessandro with a big smile.

"Your going to work with my brother!" I whisper yelled. I shook his arm excitedly and he chuckled. "Okay calm down babe, not all Italians are bad. You look pretty damn good" he smirked. I could tell that these people were now considered close to him or he wouldn't speak like this.

"Alessandro.." growled Daniel angrily. Al flashed him a smirk and kissed my cheek. "So what are your products?" I asked softly. Andrina smirked, sitting up straight. "My speciality. The greenest greens I've ever planted. Then you want some Van Gogh? I have that also. Everything under cover. It would bring in a lot of money, and keep the socialites coming back" she said. "Yes that's what Andrina does, but we said we're not selling your product. You don't make it in great loads" said Nikolai with an eye roll.

I noticed her slower movements, and with a chuckle I could tell she got a couple blows of her plants before coming inside. "Whatever but that's what we're doing" she mumbled. "What am I doing?" I asked Alessandro with a hopeful look. He gave me a pointed look.

"You are not going to be involved in anything to do with the mob. You and Kalamity will stay here and won't get in the way" he whispered to me. I leaned back in my chair, feeling as if he just stripped away my freedom. Andrina offered me a small smile and I nodded.

"Well, would anyone care for dessert?" I asked standing up. Without an answer I went and got the food. "are you eating some?" Asked Alessandro. "No I'm not hungry" I said softly. My baby monitor went off and ignoring Alessandro's offers to go and get her I made my way upstairs.

I held Kalamity in my arms, rocking her as she cried. Finally she calmed down and I kissed her forehead. My eyes darted to the door when it started to open.

"Amber?" Asked Alessandro. I turned back to look at Kally. "Why are you mad?" He asked. "Because I can fight. I can be strong and you just want me to sit at home and make you food. I know you grew up in home where your mother took your fathers punches and was a good mobsters wife, but I refuse. I am my own person" I said indignantly.

"Amber I don't mean to sound mean but I can't have you out there. It's not safe" he said softly. "Nothing is safe anymore, but we are a team. You need someone watching your back" I said. "What about Kalamity?" He questioned. "She will stay with your mom. And besides I am your girlfriend, not your wife. I make my rules" I smirked.

"Your the death of me, I swear" I smiled at his uncomfortablnsss. "Good"

I need a couple name for Amber and Alessandro. Yeah their dating, but still they need one. This ship needs a sail!

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