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Tonight was the night. Tom was going in to fight and we would fix everything tonight. I became a nervous wreck, waiting for the night to continue.

Tom came over for a late lunch and spoke to Alessandro about his plans. "Good this will work out smooth. Be strong" Alessandro said. Tom smoothed down his shirt and I could see the panic. If anything went wrong we were screwed, we put so much hope into this just to give up now.

"I am going with him Amber" said Alessandro walking towards the door. He put up his hood, and placed a gun in his waistband.

"Are you joking? Al you can't!" I exclaimed. He pulled me close with a sigh. "I have to, they need me. You stay here with Andre. You have my number but I'll call you" he said. I began to cry softly and he pulled me to his chest, rubbing my back. "I love you my beautiful" he said before placing a kiss on my lips. It was so tender and loving you forgot that he was a mob member.

With another kiss Alessandro left with a couple of his men, and Tom. I tried to find something to occupy my time with since it would be awhile. Something kept nagging at me. Something that told me that tonight wouldn't be good. And I wish I had called Alessandro back into the house that night.

Alessandro Firmino~

I tried to not look back at Amber in fear that with just one word from her plump lips that I would stay, never to leave her side again. God, how could she have this effect on me? I never cared about women's feelings and here I am so in love with this girl that I wouldn't go out and do my job.

"You need to calm things down with her. If you keep it up soon you'll go soft, and be shit at boss" said Andrew lowly. I grabbed his shirt color angrily. "Don't you dare tell me how to live my life. I love Amber, she's carrying my child just back off" I growled. "This is why I have protected sex and leave the next day. No worries" said Andrew with a wave of his hand.

I threw him back against the seat and leaned back into mine, fuming. "That's going to come back and bite you in the ass" I muttered.

"What if I lose? What if they kill me?" Said Tom nervously. "Then your dead and we lost. But you won't. Now, when you meet the boss I want you to get a good look at him. He should blend in very well, and then we'll come in and kill him and get it over with" I said looking at my phone.

Dammit no message from Amber. I went to our messages and refreshed them, waiting. "Whipped" said Andrew with a laugh. I gave him a glare and looked down at my phone. Our last messages were photos of some dogs she wanted. Of course with a baby on the way, planning a strike, and still living in my penthouse she wants a dog. And not a little one either. The photos was of an English mastiff, a Newfoundland, and an Anatolian Shepherd.

"Lets go, Tom. I wish you the best of luck" with a nod Tom got out of the car behind the building, and I was driven to the front. Putting my hood up I walked to the front and waited in line. Some of my men were already here, sprinkled throughout the building.

As I walked to the seating I looked up and saw Daniel. He was worse for wear. A scar was on his face, and he wore a heavy frown. I wondered why he was so sad. Tonight was supposed to be happy for him. I heard he loved murder.

In the first match Tom was looking pretty good. He had even attracted a crowd of people cheering only for him. The man was now laying on the ground in defeat and everyone looked towards Daniel. He stood and walked to the edge with a sigh. That's when I noticed a girl that looked somewhat like Amber. She had the same reddish dye as high cheekbones, but her skin was pale and her eyes were brown.

She looked odd standing there, it seemed like she didn't belong. Daniel put his thumb down and a loud bang shot through the crowd. Tom stood up with a groan. Hold it together... I thought subconsciously.

"Now with the permission of the boss he will continue on. We have six minutes" said one of my men walking by briskly.

Tom disappeared in the back and I saw Daniel was gone also. Maybe we were wrong...

With a quick feel of my gun I made my way to the back. My men had already taken out the guards and stood there waiting. I nodded and they opened the door letting me in.

When the door opened the girl from upstairs stood with a smirk on her face and a gun pointed at me. "I won't even ask questions" she said before shooting. A burning feeling ripped through my chest, and I fell in pain.

Then the room started to blur, I heard another shot, and a few more. Another hit my side and I yelled out in pain. With shaky movements I tried to stand. "What will it take to kill you?!" She screeched loudly. "Your not hurting my daughter" I sneered before firing a shot. We both fell, and I heard yelling.

Pain filled my body immensely and I couldn't take it. "A-Amber.. protect" I groaned before everything went black.

Amber Kopenev~

I was laying at home on the bed thinking about what Alessandro was doing when I got a sickening feeling. I stood up and went to my phone, looking at the screen. On the lock screen showed a text from him. Dammit two hours ago, I missed it.

Love you Amber, I'll be home later get some sleep. Tell Kalamity I love her too. See you soon.

I smiled at the message but something didn't feel right. With a groan I went to the bathroom, and took a look in the mirror. I was super pregnant, literally so round. My hair was not looking good anymore and it angered me slightly.

With a call downstairs Andre rushed up quickly. "What's wrong?" He asked pulled out his gun. "Nothing I was just wondering if someone could go to the store and get me two bottles of bleach, and a light brown dye" I said softly. "Okay Ms." he said slightly annoyed as he made the call. "They will be here soon, do you need anything?" He asked.

"Nah, you can go take a nap or something just make yourself at home" I said with a smile. He gave a nod and disappeared. When my bleach came he gave me a confused look when handing it to me. "I thought it would be Clorox bleach.." he mumbled. "No that would kill my hair" I laughed.

After a couple coats my hair was blondish brown and complimented my skin tone. With a smile at my reflection then sighed, but not before a shocked expression crossed my face.

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