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He looked hurt by the words I had just said, but I couldn't let him get closer. I would have to do my job. I was in the Russian Mafia. My family was Russian, and my blood. I only dealt with such.

"I have to go, please stop" I whispered before I ran to my car. I quickly turned on the engine and flew down the road, quickly losing sight of the tall man in my rear view mirror.

"So what about Benny?" Asked Daniel. I gave him the details of the events excluding Alessandro. He groaned in annoyance. "Fucking Americans I can't deal with them" he said rubbing his temples. "Sir, I am American" said his right hand man Ryan. "Whatever your fine" he said waving his hands. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to sleep.

Being pregnant was so tiring. I felt so heavy, and then I would eat a lot and then take a walk, then go to sleep. Then I get sick and it's annoying.

The doctor came yesterday and went through everything with me. He told me that I was having a baby girl, so I am extremely excited for the new arrival.

I climbed into bed and passed out.

...only to be awoken by yells and threats being screamed.

I made sure that I was dressed appropriately before going downstairs. I had on leggings, and a tank top with no bra. It was tight, and showed off my new curves.

I made my way downstairs and saw what I thought I never would.

Alessandro, Andrew, and Amelia stood in the entry way followed by three of their men.

Their men had guns pointed at Daniels. And Daniel stood there angrily screaming.

I gracefully made my way downstairs and put my hand on Daniel's shoulder. "It's fine brother, calm down. What are you doing in my home? Your lucky because we kill on sight" I said looking them up and down.

"Yes who fucking didnt?! I swear when I find out your going to die" said Daniel yelling at his men. I rolled my eyes and gave a cold stare to Alessandro.

"I know your pregnant with my child and I have something to propose" said Alessandro. Daniel considered this. "Come into my office, but your men stay here. Mine come" he said turning his back. "Fine" then Alessandro said something in Italian and followed my brother and six of his men.

"If they are harmed I will not only kill you but I will torture you. They are employees just like you" I said threatening the guards. They nodded and I walked after the group.

"I propose that Amber should live with me. I am the father of the child and I want to be there. I want to be able to see my son or daughter and not have any problems with you. That's why I'm proposing to stop all fights, drug smuggling and small arguments with you to ensure my baby's mother's safety and happiness" said Alessandro.

"Daughter" I said under my breath. All attention turned to me and Alessandro cocked his head. "What?" He questioned.

"Its a girl. So your having a daughter" I said with a sigh. His face seemed to light up and he seemed very proud.

Amelia sat with her legs crossed, gave a flat stare to Daniel. Andrew sat with his hands folded, and he stayed quiet for once in his life.

"And if not I am willing to give up my gang to send yours to jail. Do you know how much time you would get? And how many people that you've killed families are in there?" Said Alessandro sitting forward.

I yawned, and attention soon was on me, again. "Sorry im tired, continue" I sighed. "If my sister is harmed in anyway I swear to god fucking Firmino I will kill everything you love. Starting with your sister" said Daniel standing.

I saw Alessandro clench his jaw, but he stood and shook on it.

"Amber you will live with your baby daddy, but I will see my sister and want to know how everything is going. Amber if he does anything you've been trained. Russian and proud" he stated. "Russian and proud" I responded kissing his knuckles.

"These are my things, have your men get them. Oh I almost forgot my phone" I said grabbing the new device.

While the men carried everything to the car I sent Maliah a long message explaining the situation.

"So our daughter, what names do you like?" Asked Alessandro when we were sitting in his kitchen.

His attempts at a normal relationship, or friendship whatever you want to call it were awkward.

"No idea, you?" I asked folding my arms. "Not really sure, but anything you have I'll love".

I gave a nervous blush at his compliment and went back to my food. He seemed to want to be a part of my life, he even took the risk to walk straight into my brothers home. But, he is still Alessandro and I am guarded.

"I haven't given much thought. But I'm going to bed" I said standing. Okay this extra weight and a long day wore me out.

"What? Don't you want to watch a movie? Or um play some games, or we could try and think of names" said Alessandro desperately. I arched an eyebrow at his persistence.

"I would much rather like to be left alone. The only thing we share is a child, not a bond" I said before turning around.

I quickly felt arms pulling me around and an angry looking Alessandro staring at me. "Don't fucking talk to me like that, or I'll-I'll" he stuttered. "What? Hit me?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

He took a step back and I sneered. "Your a pussy, go away I don't need you. I was fine and doing great until my brother agreed to this stupid idea" I said waving my hand.

"Amber I'm sorry. I-I can't control myself. This is all really hard please" he whispered.

"I don't give pity"

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