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As soon as we arrived home, Alessandro went and fixed his appearance; which means changing into a nicer suit, and redoing his hair.

"I'm going to take a shower and change" I responded. "How can you switch like that?" He asked me. "Switch?" I asked. "You killed those men in complete cold blood, and you come home acting like nothing. I know I do, but you..I cannot describe it. It's weird" he commented in a low voice.

"I do a job, and I will rot in a cell before anyone threatens my family. My family is my blood" I spoke in a soft voice.

I started walking up the stairs ignoring his stairs, and the people arriving into the home. Turning over
My shoulder I spoke.

"And you are now my blood"


"Speak now. What did Kopenev want?" Growled Alessandro.

"Oh come on now, you should know" said the man. Alessandro let a punch to the man's face. I heard a click from his jaw, but nothing too terrible. He spit blood on the ground and gave Alessandro a hateful glance.

"Your not good enough for a Kopenev, and you violated everything; you do not sleep with a mafia boss's family" he spoke softly. Alessandro raised his arm again, and I jumped in, stopping him.

"What the hell Amber?" He growled.

"What does my brother say?" I spoke in Russian. The man gave me a quizzical look, and continued. "He knows how Firmino is, and he wants you safe. The Germans are no matter, but the Italians are a threat since you are Kopenev. He wants you away from Firmino forever" he said in Russian.

I nodded thinking. "My brother should realize that I am not losing him. He's my child's father" I say defensively. "I am sorry Amber. Orders, and you know what happens when crossing a mafia leader" he stated.

"What did he say?" Asked Alessandro. "He's just following orders" I stared blankly. "I don't care. I refuse to let someone do this to me" he sneered. "Alessandro calm down. I refuse to listen to this anymore" I said walking out.

Less than ten minuets later I heard a gun shot, and the door opened. I winced upon seeing Alessandro. He set down his gun, and went about his paperwork.

"Mr. Firmino, Tom is here" said one of his men opening the door. Alessandro nodded his head, and Tom came in.

Tom wore a cocky grin, and sat across from Alessandro, placing his hands on the table.

"Why did you do what you did? I could have killed you" said Alessandro. Tom gave a shrug. "I have nothing to lose" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly. Alessandro gave me a pointed glare, and I gave one back. "I can ask whatever I so choose" I stated bluntly.

"Well I can see your pregnant, and he's the father. I don't have parents, or anyone close. I have nothing to lose, but I am gaining a family" he said.

"Oh Alessandro! He's the cutest" I said giving Tom a hug. He awkwardly gave me one back, despite Alessandro's glare.

"Amber will you go out and talk to Andrew?" Alessandro said. "Hmm I don't know I want to hear" I said giving him a smirk. A cold glare followed and I groaned.

"Fine whatever, your no fun" I said pouting. I walked out of the room to find Alessandro's brother.

Alessandro Firmino~

I watched Amber leave the room with a pout. Her walk had a slight bounce to it, like a waddle but I would never say.

Her bump has shown more than before now a nice half circle showed, and she would always instinctfully place her hands on her belly; protecting our unborn child.

"She's a great girl Mr. Firmino. I promise that within all my power I will protect your family. I can see how much she means to you" said Tom, bringing me back.

"Yes, that's good. I can see that she admires your spirit, and I do also. Even though you have some stupid moments, you've always proved to be faithful at my resteraunt and I know you will do well" I said. "Thank you so much" said Tom holding out a hand.

I gave a shake and offered for him to follow me. "God dammit Alessandro how did you piss off Kopenev again?" Growled Andrew coming up to us.

Amber rushed behind him, trying to calm him down. "I did no such thing, he is trying to get to me in spite" I said calmly. Andrew has always had a very short temper about things.

"They blew up my fucking corvette. I swear when I get my hands on him I'm going to kill him" he seethed. "No! He's my brother!" Said Amber. She gave me a helpless look, and a meanicing one at Andrew.

"Wait your Amber Kopenev? Kopenev the Merciful?" Blurted Tom. Now all eyes moved to him curiously.

"I fought in the ring, mostly as a rookie till I worked my way up. You saved one of my friends lives that night" he said wistfully to Amber. "I do what I think is right" she said softly.

"Your brother will stop at nothing. He's ruthless, but he's not running the show I hope you know. Your older cousin is, but Daniel Kopenev is a pawn. Just the face of a gang" said Tom.

"How do you know so much?" She said lowly. "The men heard talks, but not from Daniel. From the real leader. I did not reach that stage yet, so I don't know who" he grumbled.

Amber Kopenev~

I had not yet seen all my cousins, so who it could be, I had no idea. But whoever it was wanted Alessandro dead. And his whole family, that's why Andrew's corvette was blown up in a parking lot.

"I have to handle this, I will be later tonight" said Alessandro kissing my cheek and leaving with Andrew.

"You stay and watch over Amber. If anything happens call me. Immediately" said Alessandro in a warning voice.

"Do you need anything?" Tom asked me. "Um yeah, but I'll make it in the kitchen" I commented. He nodded silently and followed me into the kitchen. Upon coming in I opened a cabinet door and took a package of ramen noodles out.

After the noodles were placed in a bowl, I went into the living room and watched a movie; The Proposal. It was such a cute movie, I couldn't get over it.

Then the darkness overtook me and I fell into a restless sleep.

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