I Hate Falling

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The thing about falling to your death from about a thousand feet high off the ground is that it gives you so much time to think as to what you could have done in life and what you have actually done, well that's if you can ignore the wind howling in your ears, your face being disfigured and watching your unconscious 'saviour' crashing down like a comet in front of you.

I had to think of a plan, something to keep us from certain death, but what could I do so high off the ground? I looked at Luxa for reassurance and could see she was lost in thought, thinking of something that could save us and knowing her I'm sure she'd come up with something. I had to do my part, I tucked my elbows in, squeezed my legs together and like a missile shot down towards Amber, in no time I was right underneath her. I stretched my body out trying to create as much air resistance as I could and like a sack of bowling balls Amber landed right on me. The second our skin met a tingling sensation shot right through me, every organ in my body felt like it was being stretched apart, the blood in my veins was boiling, my entire body jerked and the very next moment all the pain was gone. The wind which used to be a nuisance with its constant howling now sounded like a melodious tune, the breeze which would once rip the skin of my face now calmed my mind and before I could even understand what was happening the three of us were floating again, Luxa stared at me dazed, "Adish, what's going on? How... How are we floating again? Amber's still unconscious."

We do not have time child, I must use all the force within me to aid Adish in this. It shall all make sense once you make it to the school.

"Ra? Is that y-"

"FOOLISH OLD GOD! DO YOU THINK I AM GOING TO LET THEM GET SO FAR? DO YOU THINK I AM GOING TO LET THESE WEAKLINGS LIVE?!" In front of us, a dark cloud descended and in the epicenter stood a man ablaze, his entire body was on fire. I looked at him in the eye and all I could see were the flames of hell. His entire attire had a red glow to it. "I thought it would be a challenge to stop the so-called chosen ones but this? This is child's play, I wonder why Mother Gaia chose me for such a simple task but oh well might as well have my fun!" With that, the man raised his hand, pointed a single finger at me and with a blink of an eye there were a dozen balls of fire hurling through the air aimed right at me and Luxa. But before they could reach us a strong breeze ripped apart the gap between the Fire Guy and us extinguishing the flames almost immediately. I stared at the empty space which was a ball of flame just a second ago, I took a deep breath in and ordered, "Luxa I... I think I can keep him busy just please think of a way for us to escape."

I lay Amber of a floating air panel, comparatively safer from where I was headed and with one final glance at Luxa I shot forward faster than a bullet heading straight at Fire Guy. Adish do not attack head on, he is much more powerful, just try moving around and keeping his flames at bay. I will lend you all the strength your body can withstand. The Fire Guy seemed least bothered about me heading right at him, he simple rose his hand again in before I knew it there was a ten-foot column of fire right in front of me, I swerved to the right burning the sides of my shirt. Ra was not joking this guy is doing all this without even moving and with just one hand. When he really does attack at full force, we will not stand a chance but still I believed in Luxa, I knew she would come up with something.

I stood five-feet away from the fire guy. Certain we would die unless Luxa thought of something quick, I could hear her talking to herself, probably trying to think of all possibilities. I had to buy just a few more minutes somehow, "So fire dude, what's your name?  Let me guess, they call you fire cloud? No wait, hot head? "

"Foolish child, dare you mock the mighty Titan Tartarus? I shall ensure once I am done here there is a special punishment just for you in the Tartarian Pit!", as Tartarus spoke flames shot out from him in every direction, they weren't powerful enough to reach me but the sight of them was enough to turn my blood cold. Something told me I had only sped up our death rather than delaying it. Tartarus lifted both his hand and cupped them together in front of him. A ball of fire sprung to life in his hand, growing larger and larger every second. The air all around his grew hotter and hotter, it soon felt like we were in an oven. "Adish I'm working on something which should work, I'm really sorry but could you please buy me a few more minutes, it's almost ready." Luxa requested from somewhere behind me.

I was too terrified to move but Luxa's voice gave me strength. I concentrated as hard as I could, I willed all the air around us to blow as fast as possible, willed it to extinguish the flames, but it was of no use. All the air that I had forced to put out the flame just fueled it instead.  Tartus raised his hand above his head, revealing a faint smile on his face. "Goodbye young fools, even my weakest of attacks is enough to finish you." And he swung his hand with all his might. A ball, as big as a fitness ball, of fire came whirling right at me, the heat enough to singe my clothes or what was left of it. Out of instinct I raised my hand to cover my face and in the very moment my wrist watch rang, a very fitting alarm just in time to announce my death and then the watch was gone, in its place was a shield and fireball struck the shield and was absorbed as if it was just a knock on it. I flipped the shield to see the front and there I saw the head of a woman, but her hair was off, it was made of snakes, the head of Medusa. Athena's shield had somehow manifested itself from my watch. "Um sorry to disappoint Tartarus but looks like you're going to have to try a bit harder than that!" I knew it wasn't wise to taunt him but I need to keep him busy and something told me this shield could handle way more than just a fireball, but it turns out it wasn't required Luxa yelled from behind, "Adish it's done, the spells ready, move!"

"I channel the power of Isis, in the name of Poseidon I call upon the waters of purification: neró katharismoú" As Luxa spoke the last words a stream of water shot out of her hands blasting Tartarus in the face, the head around him slowly died leaving trails of vapor. The fire in his eyes slowly died and his body slowly turned to dust. Using the last bits of energy I had left I called upon the wind, the breeze ripped through Tartarus carrying away what has left of him. I turned to Luxa and saw a smile creep across her face before she collapsed, the spell must have taken all the energy she had to call upon Isis as well as the Greek Sea god, Poseidon. I rushed forward to help her but I took two steps and my feet buckled. My vision slowly darkened and we fell again to our this time sure inevitable death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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