Chapter 10: Arguments, 'I Love You' s, and Questions

Start from the beginning

I take Dax's order then thank her and hang up.

"She'll be here in a little while," I tell Dax, and we walk back into the living room. 

Dax sits on one end of the couch and I follow him. I snuggle up into his chest, and we sit there talking about pointless things 'til the doorbell rings. I stand up, go to the door, and yank it open.

"Here." Missie shoves the bag of food into my hands. I stare at her. Her long blonde hair cascades down her yellow shirt, and her snooty nose points up in the air. Her shorts are only as long as mine, but with her long legs they seem way shorter.

"Um... thanks, Missie," I say and toss Dax the food. "Are you going to be home all weekend?" 

She rolls her eyes at me, as if it's none of my buisness. "Ugh. Yes, I am. For the rest of the week, to. You got a problem with that, Princess?"

That pisses me off a lot. Since I'm the youngest, she thinks I get everything I want. Newsflash, I don't. At least not since she moved out. "No." I close the door in her face, not wanting to hear her talk anymore.

I plop back down on the couch next to Dax, and steal his fries. He tries to take them back, but I run away from him to the other side of the room. He tackles me playfully, and the fries spread out all over the floor. I bust out laughing as he starts to tickle me. I shove him off of me and walk back over to the couch and start eating the chicken nuggets out of the bag. He comes over to me amd sits next to me. "What's wrong?"

"It's her." I answer shoving my thumb towards the door. "She's always so freaking pissy about anything that has to do with me, and I don't want to deal with her at all. Let alone this whole flipping week."

"You know," he says, moving closer to me. "You could always just... stay here." he kisses me, an I don't protest. "With me," he adds. 

I giggle. "Sounds good to me," I say. "But, you know that niether of our moms would be cool with that."

"Actually," he argues. "My mom's totally cool with it. She started living with my dad almost right after they found out that they were mates, so she get's how wierd it is not being able to... you know... 'live' with you." 

I close my mouth, becauseit fell open at the fact that his mom doesn't even care about his virginity. Then I remember the fact that I'm the only person that he'll ever truly love is me, and I don't think it even really matters that his mom doesn't care. But still, I'd have thought she'd care more because of what happened to her.

The human version is the one that I have always been told, of course. She fell in love with Dax's dad, they had sex, and she got pregnant. When she told him, he'd acted all supportive, but the next morning he was just gone. I guess, with him being her mate, it must've hurt like hell. Especially if the bond is as strong as Dax makes it sound.

"Yeah, but even though your mom's cool with it because she's a werewolf, doesn't mean mine will be. She's still one hundred percent human, and old-fashioned. She wouldn't even aprove of me being over here if she knew you were my boyfriend, you know that right?" I say, my sentences getting longer more detailed and drawn out, because of my nervousness with the subject.

"You haven't told your mom that we're boyfriend and girlfriend yet?" He asks, and his eyes tell me that he's hurt by this.

"No, because if she knew, she'd forbid me from seeing you without an adult around," I answer. "She knows I'm with you a lot. She just doeesn't know the real reason why. Would you rather see me all the time and my mom still think we're just friends, or have her know that we were made for each other and us like never kiss again?"

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