Chapter 18

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Ahh I am beyond annoyed ! Katelyn have been taking all of Tyler attention from me, I know I sound like a stock up brat but it's been four weeks! And he's always with her, and I'm almost three months pregnant and my boyfriend barely spends time with me. Ugh I feel so…… so I don't know!

''Somebody looks angry, you look like your about to kill the poor teddy.'' Emily said stepping in the living room a bowl of cereal in her hand. She looks kind of weird with her pajamas still on , her hairs a mess.

''You look awful.'' I mutter still glaring at the teddy from across the room.

''I know , I guess I'm just alittle home sick.'' she sigh sitting down next to me, I turn my attention to her frowning.

''You miss your mom?''

''Yea.'' I sigh she looks sad, Em have always been a mommy's girl so I'm not surprise she missed her.

''I miss mom and Jesse too, I'm not that happy about how I left things with her.'' I told her as she placed her now empty bowl on the table.

''You didn't do anything wrong, I mean you just did what you thought was best.'' she reply looking sincere.

''I know.'' I groan ,but I really miss her and really would like to talk to her, I mean it sucks here, ever since Katelyn came. Something click in my head and I beam. ''What if we go home just for this weekend! Just you and me, it's already Friday and we don't have much plan right?''

''Right but are you sure?'' Emily asked looking unsure.

''I'm sure.'' I beam. She smile before getting up.

''Awesome, I'll just see if we can get an plane.'' I nodding I laugh as she skip out the room. Running up the stairs I pulled out the first suitcase I saw, a pang of guilt hit me for leaving Tyler , but it's only two days right?

Sighing I walk over to my closet and start piling out some clothes just enough for the weekend.

''Hey Lizzy did you-'' Tyler said walking in the room but stop short when he saw the suitcase, ''What are you doing?'' he looked confused, I looked at him surprised but before I could answer Emily came at the door grinning.

''Okay there's one plane left, it's leaving in exact a hour and a half.'' she beam but then frown as she notice Tyler who now looks alittle angry . ''Oh I'll just see you downstairs when your done….'' she trail off running out the room, some best friend you are helping me out , I rolled my eyes while I zip up the suitcase.

''What's going on?'' Tyler demand.

''I'm going home for the weekend.'' I said casually.

''And you weren't going to tell me?'' his voice coming out alittle angry, I snort.

''Like you would had notice.''

''What the hell is that supposed to me!'' he shouted.

''Don't raise your voice at me!'' I yell back glaring.

''I'll do what I want!''

''What happening with us?'' I asked tears coming to my eyes due to his yelling. His eyes soften as he took a deep breath.

''I don't know..''

''We'll talk when I get back.'' I said not wanting to miss my plane.

''Why not now? Is this because of Katelyn?'' he asked shoving me back towards the bed angrily. My eyes widen at his actions so did his. ''Liz I'm sorry I don't mean to--''

''Stay away from me!'' I yell alittle fear seep through me as he took a step forward, he wince but did as told. With tears in my eyes I picked up the suitcase. 'Yes, this is because of her! You haven't paid attention to me for FOUR WEEKS! I felt like we were strangers living in the same house. What wrong with you?! You don't talk to me anymore and when ever I try to talk to you, you just brush me off!'' I yell pushing past him.

''Wait let me explain--''

''No! I don't want to know anymore!' I shouted finally getting pass him.

''Alice please!'' his voice came out in pain making me turn around, when I did I wish I didn't. His eyes were shining with tears but they weren't falling, I shallow the lump forming in my throat ''I love you , I just..'' he trail off.

''You just what Tyler?'' I asked, when he didn't answered I turn and run down the hall.

''Are you okay?'' Katelyn asked ,for the first time actually being nice since she came here.

''No, and I could honestly say you win.'' I sniff turning around to walk down the hall but a voice made me pause for a minute.

''You can't always run from everything when something goes wrong in your life Alice.'' Tyler's angry voice came from behind me, I didn't even have to turn around to see how angry he was.

''I know and you can't go around say I love you casually .'' I reply walking down the stair.

''Liz?'' Emily called concern, I shake my head willing the tears to stop falling.

''Not now Emily.'' I respond walking out the door , I sigh in relief when I saw the car already out front. Throwing my suitcase in the trunk, something keep telling me to go back. But I couldn't help but think about how fast Tyler and I relationship is moving.

Sitting in the car I waited for a minute. Why was I waiting? I don't really know , I guess a part of me was hoping he'll come after me. But as I began to drive away with an aching heart and a concern looking best friend ,I guess it's true. Life's no fairy tale…...


Anyone saw that comming? :O

Lolz i wasn't really planning it but i thought Tyler and Alice should take a break, i want to make the story moe realistic.

If it sucks i'm really sorry but i have writers block! That's why it's short :/

Vomment and let me know what you think! And don't hate me *pouts* This is so not my fault, Alice have some issuses she need to slove.

Thanks for reading! *big hug*

Next upload :Thursday!

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