Chapter 17

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''Wait you guys know eachohter.'' Tyler asked looking confused.

''No!'' Katelyn and I said at the same time, I turn my gaze back at her and glare. I can't believe her! During my junior year the school went to a camping trip and at night the little moron threw three -yes I said three - huge frogs in my tent and then locked me in it! Those thing keep jumping on me for Christ sake! I hated her ever since, we can't stand eachother.

''You guys are lying.'' Tyler huff but lay down back. ''But I'm too tired to deal with it now, I'm going to sleep, Kate you can go ahead to your room. I'll deal with you tomorrow. '' She snap her gaze from me looking annoyed , well honey I'm not so fond of you either, I glare at her.

''Go on , get out.'' I told her sweetly. Kate flip me off then walk out the door muttering to herself. Sighing I threw myself back on the bed, two strong arms automatically wrapped around my waist pull me tightly towards Tyler. I sigh. ''Tyler can we talk?''

''Yea sure.'' he reply.

''About the baby, what do we really plan to do with it. I mean where's it going to live. What about names? Clothes? What if something happened to us?'' I shot out in a rush.

''Wow slow down Angel.'' he said raising up using his elbows for supporting. ''Nothing going to happen to us.'' he said sternly like he's so sure, I look away from him guilty. ''What's wrong?'' Tyler asked noticing my expression.

''It's .'' I wanted to lie but looking into his purplish/blue eyes I couldn't.'' Today when you left like that, and the girl said she was pregnant, I just thought…..'' I trail off not wanting to say it. He just looked at me for a second then sit up turning his back to me, he ran his hand through his hair.

''You got to be kidding me.'' he mutter under his breath.

''I'm sorry.'' I winced at how guilty my voice sounded. Gosh I should had known he wouldn't cheat on me. I mean if he thoroughly loved me but then again my father loved my mom and he-- my eyes widen. Oh my god! I didn't even notice it before! No wonder, why can't I just like/love one guy without comparing our relationship with my parents? ''Tyler I--''

''No I understand it's because of what your dad did but-'' he cut his self off, my gaze drop to the sheet at the sound of his hurt voice, but I couldn't help but think he knew me better than myself. ''But you need to understand I .. I would never do that to you. Alice I swear I would never hurt you intentionally. I understand you been hurt but you need to understand that I won't hurt you, I'll try my best to provide for you and this baby, she or he will have all the things I could possibly give. We can buy a house and live as a family, names, I always said I would name my daughter Chloe..''' he trail off leaving me shock. I didn't know he planned so far ahead! ''And I'll never leave you, if this relationship was to end it'll be at your doing, but even after that I'll still chase you down. Cause I'm sure as hell nothing can change how much I love you.'' he continued seriously during his speech he turned and looked at me, his eyes filled with honesty.

All I could bring myself to do was stare back at him. I can't believe this is happening. But when he finish I felt my heart swell with an amazingly amount of love for this boy before me. Having him plan our further ahead like that might be shocking but it means so much to me more than he could possibly think.

''I'm sorry , I didn't mean to make you cry.'' his voice came out in panic, I raised my head up to my check and wipe the tears from my eye. I'm crying? Why am I crying?

For some unknown reason I thought of something Jesse told me once : Tears speak louder than word.

I found myself laughing. Why? I have no idea. Tyler looked at me like if I'm crazy then narrow his eyes a bit.

''Your laughing after all I just told you? 'he asked sounding hurt, causing my laughter to come at stop immediately.

''No it's not that, I swear! It's…. Well I have no freaking idea, maybe I'm having mood swings?'' he looked at me confused so I continued, taking my hand in his I looked up in his eyes so he could see the truth of my words. ''Listen Tyler ,all those things you said just stroked a cord in me. But I'm extremely happy you said it, that you let me know where our relationship stands and I couldn't be more happier. Even thought it's a lot to take in, I think I love you more now than I ever loved you before. I guess I was just waiting….. Waiting for yesterday. That's why I never let you close enough, I know you love me but after what my father did he just left me in pieces. I know deep down you wouldn't be that way but I just thought well history might repeat…. ''I trail off taking a deep breath noticing the tears rolling down my eyes. ''I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not giving our relationship my all, I'm sorry for not letting you all the way in. I guess I was just scared but I'm so sure that I love you better than I ever love anyone in my life.'' I stop my voice cracking from all the emotions I felt, there was an unbelievable amount of pain and love inside of me, I felt like my mind and heart was having a battle, and for the first time I'm voting for my heart to win……..

Tyler pull me in close while we lay down, I burry my head in his neck. Breathing in his scent calm me down but the tears still flowed.

''I'm the one for you for you tonight, I'm the one for you forever. If it takes alittle time, I'll do whatever it takes. I'm not going to treat you like he did, I know you think history will repeat but I promise it won't. I know he made you promises and they were all lies but I swear I won't break them. I understand why you pushed me away, you have nothing to be sorry about. Just let it all out, crying is the best way to let the pain out. I'll be by your side when you wake up and I'll still be there went ever you need me…'' he whisper softly in my ears I don't know if he stopped talking but I felt myself drift to sleep and for the first time I felt a large amount of pain came off my chest only to be replace with love.


Yes i know another short chapter. But i promise the next one will be longer.

This chapter was mainly to show where Alice and Tyler relationship stands. :)

Tell me what you think by vommenting please!

Next upload: No later than Monday!

Thanks for read. :D

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