Chapter 5

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Hola :)

I would like to say thanks for reading my story and thanks alot for the support :D

So i'm writing alittle of Tyler P.O.V plz comment and tell me what you think....

This chapter is dedicated to a great fan of mine, thanks alot for the support :)

Here's the next chapter ;)

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing, and then I felt like my head had been hit by a hammer. Rising the sheet that was coving me ,i quickly look around for my phone ,only then did I notice that:

1) I was complete naked.

2) This is not my room.

3) My phone is on a wooden table it the far corner in the room.

But it had stop ringing. Picking it up I sat on the bed complete confused. What the hell happened last night and where am I? That's when everything came back ,but it was like pieces of my memory was missing. I remember , the party ... talking with Liz ,then her stupid ex interrupted her when she was talking ..... but we left him and dance. I think we got drunk and she introduced me to her best friend ,what was her name...Emilia ..Emmie..... oh yea!! Emily ,her name was Emily. A blond girl I remember but still how did I end up here? Turning to the left I notice the sheets looked like someone was sleeping there, and it had blood on it!! That's when it hit me , I slept with Liz last night!!

''Oh god'' i groan out loud. She must hate me now, I took her virginity ....... wait, she was a virgin!! No way how should she been so feisty, independent and lovable , but no one hadn't claim her yet. The male population need to check their brain ,I can't believe she's so pure. Don't get me wrong cause I know she's not a sl*t , she's a great girl and I really like her, I even wanted to date her but look what happen now. Gosh she must really hate me, I need to talk to her and tell her I'm sorry. But if I remember correctly I'm certainly not sorry about what happened last night, but still we were drunk and she's probably thinking it was a mistake ,one that might cause her to not wanting to even see my face again. I still have to try to get her to forgive me if it's the last thing I do, cause i really do like her. Picking my clothes up and putting them on ,without checking to see who tried to call me before I head out the door.

Alice P.O.V

After catching a cab, I found myself in front Emily door. She's probably worried, after all i was supposed to sleep over here after we got back from the party. I raised up the plant pot at the side of the door , took the key from underneath it. Since I don't know if she's awake or not ,I'll just use the extra key. I open the door quietly and step into the house closing the door behind me. Walking into the kitchen, my heart skipped a beat, when i notice Em worried and pained face , she sat at the kitchen counter with her cell phone in her hand.

''Em are you okay?'' I asked softly as I walk over to the counter, her head snapped over to me so fast , I saw her wince due the speed she used.

''Oh thank god, your okay Liz!'' she shouted as she ran over to me, and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath.

''Em..I ca.. can't breath'' I mange to say with the little bit of air I had left. She quickly released me. her eyes roam over me to see if I was okay.

''What happened to you last night, I went to the washroom and when I came back you were already gone and so was Tyler?'' she asked scolding me.

''Uh...... well you see, about that--''

''I have been trying to call you the whole night and this morning too, i didn't even get any sleep!!'' she said cutting me off, looking at her I then notice the bags under her eyes ,she looked so stressed out. What was I thinking leaving her alone last night?

''Look Em I'm sorry--''

''Your sorry?! Whole night I was driving around looking for you, do you--'' it was my turn to cut her off.

''STOP!! I didn't mean for all this to happen, i can't even remember what happen. I'm really sorry, i didn't know what I was thinking'' I said softly , then I could feel tears flowing down my face, how could I do that to her?!? How could I just leave with him? Why did I had to loss my virginity to him? Gosh I feel like a sl*t and like trash. He must have had his fun last night and already forgot about me. I'll probably never hear from him again. I suddenly felt like I was shaking.

''Hey snap out of it!!!! I'm sorry for what I said, I was just worried. Please don't cry.'' Em said shaking me and I was on the couch, when did we get in the living room?

''It's not you Em, you don't understand. I slept with him.'' I told her while wiping my tears.

''You did what!! Wait who are we talking about'' she said looking puzzled.

''Tyler'' i whisper


''Oh'' was all she said, then we sat in silence for what felt like hours but in reality it was only ten minutes.

''Oh? that's all you have to say.'' I asked while turn my whole body to face her, only then did i notice she was smiling. ''What is it?''

''I was just thinking of how your lucky it isn't a random stranger. I know your still angry but we both know you like him, and by the way he was looking at you last night I could tell he like's you too, a lot.'' I sat there staring at her with my mouth hanging open. I can't believe my ears ,I just told her i slept with him and she calls me lucky? Plus I thinks she's wrong, he doesn't like me and I doubt he'll like me now. Tyler must think I was a who*e looking for a one night stand. Why did this happen to me? I was happy to finally finish high school and then I met him and now this happen. I wonder if he's even thinking of me, probably not, I sigh. '' Hey stop looking so gloomy, he likes you I know it. Don't let what your father did mess with your mind. Tyler I different from him'' Em assured me while taking my hand in her's.

Maybe she's right. Just because dad cheated on my mom while they were married with another woman, who already have two children for him means every guy is like him. Maybe not all guys are cheater and liars. Ha Chase sure proved me wrong about that last Friday.

''I don't know Em, look what happen with Chase'' I said my voice barely above a whisper..

''I never like that as*hole, Tyler is way different from him, just give him a chance.'' she said. True to her word Tyler is different from Chase. But still i barely know him.. '' Yea I know you barely know him but if he do come around, listen to him and give him a chance, alright?'' she said making me wonder if she could read my mind.

''Alright'' I decided smiling at her.

''Good'' she declared pulling me into another hug, but let go quickly. ''Jezz you smell like s*x sweat, go take a shower woman'' she said teasing me.

''Haha . Not funny'' I told her but I was smiling still. Quickly getting up i went up the stair and enter the guestroom. It had a bathroom attach to it. So took off my clothes and turn on the water, I wait for it to get hot and then start to wash my hair. All thought my bath all I could think of is that I hope Tyler wouldn't screw up if I give him a chance. After I was finish, I grab the sweatpants and dark purple T-shirt that was on the bed. I guess Em left it for me. Quickly getting dress I ran down to the kitchen to get something to eat but the doorbell rang.

''Liz can you get that for me, I just got out the shower'' Em yell from upstairs.

''Surething'' i yell back at her, and went to the door. When I open the door to say I was shock to see him would be a understatement.

''Hi'' he said softly, well here goes nothing......

Okay guys, i wonder if you know who's at the door. Is it Chase or Tyler?

Do you want me to write other people P.O.V other than Alice,later on in the story?

And did you like this chapter?

Please comment with your answers, it would help alot. And pleas e vote ,comment or fan if you like the story :)

I know it was a short chapter but i have alot to think about and stuff to do, i hope you guy still con't to read the story thought.

Thanks for reading :D

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