Chapter 9

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Hi guys, so I had a major writers block, I had no idea what to write ,this might suck and it's short but I really want to upload now :)

Alice P.O.V

''Tyler'' I asked still shocked.

''Yup, were you sleeping?'' he asked happily


''Great, come downstairs please.'' asked Tyler.

''Why?'' I replied confused.

''You'll see''

''Oh, uh sure.'' with that I got up and quickly walk over to my closet and put on my robe, then I open the door quietly, I just remember Emily and Jes when to bed. When I finally reach the front door I open it and to my great surprise Tyler was standing in front of me with a bouquet of different flowers and a box of heart shape chocolates.

''Hey beautiful'' he grin at me.

''Hi…'' I trail off still surprised.

''If your not too tried I was wondering if we can go out somewhere.'' he said scratching the back of his head looking unsure. I'm really happy he's here but I'm nervous about him knowing about the baby and me moving. Maybe I'll just tell him I'm moving. Yea, I won't tell him about the baby…. yet. ''So what do you say.'' he said bring me back to the real world.

''Yea ,sure. Just let me get dress.'' I respond and stand back to let him in. ''Just take a seat and I'll be down in a minute'' I smile at him.

''Okay'' he grinned and hand me the flowers and chocolate. ''Here, these are for you.''

''Thanks.'' flashing him a smile ,I quickly hugged him, I could still feel my body tingling after I pulled back.

''Your welcome'' he said and smile at me, that same crocked smile that makes my heat skip a beat, tonight was no expectation.

''Well I'll put these in some water and we'll head out.'' he nod and I rush to the kitchen and put the chocolate in the fridge and the flowers in a vase of water.

I turn around and head to my room, it took me ten minutes to get dress in my purple dress , which had a big black bow attach to it, I put on my purple slippers and grab my small black purse. My hair was in a pony tail and my face only had on eyeliner and mascara then lip-gloss. After one last look at myself in the mirror I head downstairs where Tyler was sitting patiently in the living room looking nervous. At the sound of my footsteps his head snapped up ,he quickly go up and walked over to me with a grin.

''You look gorgeous as ever, I swear you look like your glowing '' he said, I blush at him calling me gorgeous and then got a little nervous at the glowing part, mom said it was because I was pregnant, I hope he doesn't notice.

''Thanks.'' I said still blushing.

''Don't mention it'' with that said he took my hand and lead me to his car , we drove to a restaurant the whole way he told me about his business trip and how he decide to come home early cause he missed me. Listening to him I felt guilty, Tyler Is a great guy, I mean he's kind ,loving, funny and understanding, he's just plain amazing , I can't just don't tell him I'm pregnant, I'm sure he'll find out someday, and I just can't deny him of knowing his child. I sigh as we pull up in front of a French restaurant, he got out the car and then came around to my side of the car and open the door helping me out. I smiled and we head inside.

''Table for two'' he told the lady at the counter. Without looking up from her phone she replied in a bored voice.

''Sorry we're booked.''

''Are you sure about that?'' Tyler asked sounding alittle annoyed. She looked up with a angry and irritated expression, then it turned to shock when he looked at Tyler.

''Oh I'm sorry Mr. Bright, there should be a table left in the V.I.P section. ''

''Alright.'' he turned and smiled at me, she looked over to me her angry and irritated expression return, jezz what's her problem.

''Right this way.'' she turned to Tyler and her mood switch flirty as she leading us to the V.I.P section I'm guessing , oh so that's why she was angry. How rude, I huff looking at her profile. She was blond, I hold back the snort that was about to come out, she's a fake blond , have on too much make up too, I never get why girls like her waste their time putting on all that makeup. Maybe she didn't get enough play days? ''We're here, I'll get someone to hand you your menus'' with that blonde flash Ty one more flirtous smile and glare at me as he pull out my chair for me, I smiled at him and send her and cocky, smugged look.

The remainder of dinner we ate and talk about random thing, the conversation never seem to run short between Ty and I that another reason I love spending time with him. Then he suddenly look nervous.

''So um, while I was away I was wondering…'' he pause looking at me in the eye I gasp, he looked so nervous and there was something else in his eye but I can't really tell what it is. '' Yea so I kept thinking of you and I came to the conclusion that I never meet any one like you, you actually see me for me , not for my money ,fame or what my family holds for you.'' he pause again smiling , the unknown expression shining stronger in his eyes. ''Your just so amazing , beautiful , caring, kind ,funny, independent and feisty at times. Well I guest I should get to the point, Alice will you be my girlfriend.'' Wow for a minute then I though he was going to proposed , I smiled relive and... disappointed? All this time we hangout it felt like we were already a couple but I remember him telling me he wanted to wait until he got back from his trip before we can talk about a relationship, but I fully understood . I feel really guilty now, now telling him about my past.

''Tyler there's something you should know'' I look him in the eye, he seem to sense I was serious so he just nod '' I'm moving.'' he looked shock, when he was going to say something, I open my mouth first. ''Just hear me out first pleased.'' he frown but still listen ''I..I just can't take my life here anymore, mom's never home cause she's always working, Jesse barely home cause he travel a lot. They would leave me alone.... at home, I'm not even sure I can call it a home, anyway I'm always there with memories of my dad, I kept thinking about when I was six and I looked at the pictures of Jes, mom, and my dad ,they looked like the perfect family, back then I used to clean my room and the house, I even made my dad sandwiches when he came home from work, hoping he'll give me as much attention as he gave Jes. I thought he didn't like me because I was a girl or because I wasn't pretty enough, but a year later I stop trying , I would hear them fighting - my parents ,until one day dad left, from then on I never trust any other man'' i pause a take a breath slowly letting it out. This was harder to tell Ty ,I never told him anything about dad.

'' But I still wanted love, even after Em told me when her boyfriend slept with her cousin, I went out with Chase ,only to have him cheat on me with one of my friends, then now you Tyler, I really like him but i can't trust him, not fully.'' I stopped .

We sat there in silence until Tyler spoke up. ''Alright , we'll try to make this work some how, I'll visit you as much as possible and Alice I really like you too.'' he smiled ,a secret smile, I smiled back and lean over the table and kissed him.

Okay guys I gtg to go, thanks for reading ,please vote or comment :)

I'll look at the error later, i'm in a hurry.

Dedicated to yet another great fan, thanks so much for your support hun :D

Bye, bye

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