Chapter 29: Swimming Goggles

Start from the beginning

Evan huffed and threw his hands up while Lyanna walked by, shaking her head with her swimming goggles sitting on top of it. "Idiot."

Ethan and I ran back home and made some lunch before we started throwing together an overnight bag. The regional alphas were coming to Levi's, much to Levi's pleasure, and we hopefully were going to be able to solidify the region's support, as well as sniff out whose pack could be harboring Aurelia.

I couldn't help but feel nervous. My eyes kept finding their way to the veins on my arms; the bluish-purple under the pale skin that made my brows furrow. My blood seemed to be both the biggest blessing and the biggest curse.

Ethan walked over with a toiletries bag and tossed it on the bed before I could feel his eyes on me. "Sunshine?" I let out a long breath while he crossed the room to me. "Baby, it's going to be fine."

Turning, my eyes found his. My eyes that wanted to believe his hopeful ones, but considering my family name that I recently inherited, I was more than afraid of how some of the other packs would take it. I didn't want a war. I didn't want anyone else to die.

Ethan pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. "We need the region, you know we have to. If we don't have them, then we fail regardless of what she does."

"I know, I know," I sighed out. "What if they don't Ethan? What if they–" I sucked in a breath and shrugged. "What if they turn?"

"Well, we don't know that. We already have three packs with us, which is a solid number. We can't afford to lose here Charlotte, if she succeeds then we fail; but worse, if she loses and we defeat her, without the regions support we will still fail because Alex is apparently hell bent on wiping the King's out."

"It won't come to that," I breathed out hopefully.

"Doesn't matter," Ethan said. "Either we are killing him or we are getting our shit and getting the hell out because I won't lose you."

"Ethan we have the pack, we can't just leave them."

"If we don't have regional support and he comes, they would be safer that way baby," Ethan said quietly.

I felt my blood crackle. "I will not run. We start we never stop. I won't force us into that."

Ethan put his hands on my waist and dipped his head to look at me. "I know, that's why we don't just have to do this–we need this to go well. I know you're nervous, I already have a short list of people I may very well kill this weekend, but we can't let it eat at us. We can't doubt ourselves right now.

"I don't want to run either, I won't have that for us, but even if we did a lifetime of running with you is far better than a lot of alternatives I can think of."

A smile tugged at my lips. Ethan pulled me into his chest and kissed my temple. "I'm just ready for this to be over."

"I know," he sighed out. "Me too."

Ethan and I put our things in a saddlebag then ran to Evan and Lyanna's, where Evan was still pissed about his explosion. He kept whining to Ethan to let him buy more dynamite, to which Ethan repetitively refused.

We met up with Jaxon and Andrea half way; they were running to David's, where they were staying the night. Apparently, Penelope was thrilled to have Andrea over. Andrea had promised to build a fort in the living room so the two of them could have a sleepover.

The run to Levi's was like breathing fresh air again; I hadn't been home since I had left.

I saw some wolves that I used to know when I was living back at Levi's. They would yip at us, wagging their tails while we made the haul over to Levi's cabin tucked the quite woods.

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