Bonus Chapter: Daddies & Blue-haired Ladies.

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One shot, because it was requested.

Years before.

I rush through the doors in my higheels. All the cars of my boys are out there, and I'm the only one left to arrive, but traffic was horrific at this time of the day.
I push the doors of our home and see them all in the living room.
"Where are my babies?" It's the first thing I say, looking around for six year old Tyler and Taylor.
"Where are they?"
Owen comes to me, holding my arms "Everything is all right"
"It's just a kid's stage, Agelle Mou" Silas comes to my side and pecks my lips.
"They're in their room" Kota says as I come to the couch where most of them are. Sean makes me seat on his lap and kisses my shoulder "It's pretty much forgotten now"
"What happened?" I ask them as Gabriel laces his fingers with mine.
"The Robinson kid was bothering Taylor" North explains while pulling a strand of hair away from my face "Tyler lost his nerves and pushed him, so they got in a fight. The principal asked us to control him before he gets back at school"
   I shut my eyes close and take a deep breath. Having twin was a blessing, but there were times, as this, where it can be extremely hard. This is not the first time something like this happens. It's not just something kids go through, as Gabriel says, not anymore. He is overprotective of his sister in an almost agressive way, and his behaviour like that has become erratic after all these years. Taylor also feels protective of him, but he takes it to a whole other level. It was always the little things: If Taylor fell, Tyler panicked. If baby Rosie and smiling baby West didn't let them sleep that night, Tyler would prepare her sandwich for lunch to let her sleep. It's what we've just taught them: to have one responsability they can take care of for now. But lately Tyler gets too upset: if someone is looking at his siblings too suspiciously, if someone is being mean to Taylor, if she falls and he feels responsible. He feels way too much.
How can we help him?
"I want to see him"
My loves nodd their heads and Sean lets go of me so I can stand up. Nathan takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.
"It's okay, peanut"
I nod at him and the rest of them agree in low whispers. Sean gets on calling experts as I'm leaving, just like Kota gets on his tablet to download more books about raising kids, and twins, more specifically. It hits him the most when it comes of Taylor.
"Babies?" I knock on the door of the room they still share; half off it it's his and the other hers, but Tyler doesn't care that her dolls are scattered even in his bed.
"Mamma!" They yell, coming to me. They're not used of me coming so early. They're actually supposed to be still at school.
Taylor buries her head in one side of my neck while her brother does the same on the other.
"Mom, my bean grew today into a plant!" My little boy says, excitement present in his eyes. The whole Robinson kid is already forgotten, just like that.
"Is that everything you did today?"
His little brows turn up and together. Taylor looks at me then at her twin and stands closer to him.
"It wasn't his fault" she says.
"Baby, I never said it was"
I hear footsteps behind me and I turn to see Victor coming into the room with a basket of fresh blankets for their room.
Taylor climbs into his arms as soon as he kneels down. She's always been a daddy's girl. Daddies, in this case. Victor kisses her hair and holds her tight with one arm while rubbing's Tyler's hair.
"Daddy, he was picking on her" he whimpers, looking at Victor.
"I know, buddy"
"He's so mean!" Taylor complained and grabbed her little pigtails "He pulled from my tails because he said they were awfull!"
Victor frowns. I get it, this Robinson kid is a nightmare, but what I truly care about is about the temper of my son and what that may mean to him in the future. What it will cost him.
"What he did was wrong" he says quietly, "but doesn't mean fighting back physically is okay"
"He pushed Ty!" Taylor says, indignated, her cheeks flushing red.
"Everything under control?" Owen gets into the room followed by Silas and sit in the floor next to me, in front of our babies.
Taylor is crying by now and it breaks my heart. She's broken hearted by the whole situation. Tyler gets upset seeing her crying and his cheeks start to taint red as well.
"Taylor, baby" Silas can't stand her crying because he has this big soft heart,  so he takes her from Victor and holds her.
But Owen has it put together.
"Tyler, have we ever taught you violence is the answer?"
His fists clenches at his sides, but shakes his head.
"Do you think pushing someone everytime your sister hurts is okay?" He shakes no again.
"He said thing" he admits "about our family"
It's like it pains him to say it. We, the adults stare at each other, understanding there is more to this than overprotectiveness to another level. Now, seeing the torment in his eyes, I understand.
Victor kisses their heads then stands.
"I'm gonna call the rest"
We nod to him and focus again on our son. Our baby boy. His lip quivers.
"What is happening, Tyler?" Owen asks, touching his cheek. Taylor chocks in incontrolable sobs, and a couple seconds later the rest of the boys come in the room to see the mess, to take control of it, to make it right.
"Baby boy?" North takes him into his arms after making sure Taylor was right. She is, in Silas' arms, her eyes reddening and tears streaming. But she is okay. Because we have each other to fix any obstacle in the way, including some school bully.
"He said things about daddies!" He burts "He said things about mommy and babies!"
Oh, shit.
"That little shit!" Nathan's rage grows, but I place my hand in hia back. This is not the time. But I agree. That little shit.
"He also says things about Lindy's dads and Kevin's mom!"
I get it now. Lindy Andrew has two gay dads, Kevin Mikelson has a mom with blue hair and my twins have several daddies. I understand now that that kind of judgement can't come from a little six year old. No, it comes from someone bigger.
"Do you think his parents say thinga about their parents too?"
They shake their head.
"Only Mr. Garhart"
My heart stops for a second. As in Garhart playroom and crafts teacher. As in let's take the kids to the zoo teacher. As in extremely conservative teacher.
"Fucking shit!" Gabriel slips. Kota's facs contorts in rage, Luke's jaw falls open. We are all shocked.
  This is not only about Tyler reacting to a bully picking his siater. It's about a teacher crap talking of families in front of the little ones and not giving a damn what may or not cause.
"Fired" Owen mutters under his breath. Hisses, better said.
"He tol- told me" Taylor hicupps "that daddies didn't loved us because we weren't really theirs!
That one day they'd leave!"
My heart breaks for my little babies at the same time as anger floats af surface. How dare him?
The rooms fills with rage for a second before it stops and we all buch pull each other into a hugh.
"No, babies" North says "You're all ours, for real"
"It does not mattet what they say" Owen states, pulling apart to look at both of tgem in the eyes "We love you. More than anything, and you are really ours. How could you not be? We are your daddies"
Tyler nods in his tears but Taylor keeps balling her eyes out.
"My babies" I say, stroking their hair "Oh, my babies"
"We are not leaving you, never and ever" Kota kisses their forehead twice "I love being your daddy so much, and I wouldn't change this for nothing in this world"
"When you arrived to this world" Sean keeps on going "it was the happiest day of my day because I became your daddy. You both were crying so hard but when I held you, you stared at me ans calmed down, then you fell asleep in my arms. And I loved you both so much the same way I do today"
  We exchange words about the day they were born and loving memories until they stop crying and fall asleep into our arms, reasured of our love not only for them, but for each other. Cause if we have each other, then there is nothing else to fear.

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