Micaiah finally stepped in and grabbed my shoulders, his slightly glowing pupils causing my hard resolve to lessen in a fleeting moment of fright as he cast his intense gaze onto mine. I shifted my gaze away - not in intimidation - but to glance around and see if we were being watched by any nosy passersby. I didn't give a flying fig of what they thought anymore, but that didn't mean I wanted them snooping around in my business.

Turning my attention back to Micaiah, I shook myself to release my shoulders of his hold, but his hands didn't budge. The abrupt movements only caused me pain. "Look, Kid, we don't have time to mess around, alright? Apparently, we need you. And I'm damn sure you need us too."

I glared at him with all the anger I could muster. "And what makes you think that I need your help? In fact, what makes you think I need any help? I don't remember telling you-"

"Et Kar," Mik interrupted with an unwavering look, applying slight pressure to his hold. "Does that name ring any bells to you?"

If he only knew had been my initial thought. But after his question had dawned, my next sudden thought was: where on earth did he get that name from?

Hearing the Shadow King's name being uttered out loud by someone other than I made me involuntarily stiffen before I couldn't help it.

Unluckily, Micaiah caught on the action with a wry smile. "I thought so."

The jerk let go of my shoulders, believing that he'd gotten to me by voicing that name only, which he had, and swept a keen eye around us before saying, "We should talk about this somewhere else. That demon shadow could be listening in on our conversation right now. It's not safe here."

"And who says I'm going anywhere with you?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest, although I knew that I'd probably give in and present them a chance to tell me how much they knew about Et Kar.

Cleo had somehow picked onto that way before Mik had mentioned his name, so I couldn't say it surprised me when he leaned forward and placed a piece of paper from his pocket into my palm. "Meet us there."

I made a move to open the paper but both Micaiah and Cleo immediately clasped my fingers together so tightly it made me flinch. "Hey!"

"Are you insane?" Micaiah hissed at the same time Cleo reprimanded with narrowed eyes, "Open it only when you get home."

I snatched my hands away and glared at them. I also had it in mind to question why I couldn't open up the small sheet until I got home, but I guessed that I would found out when I arrived. No need to prolong unnecessary conversation with them.

"How do I know I'm not being deceived here?"

"We're not giving you a choice, Kid. Just do as we say if you want answers just as much as we do." Mik flexed his shoulder blades tersely and walked away, not looking back even as he tossed his last words over his shoulder, "You won't regret it."

I frowned and clenched the piece of paper in my palm. Addressing Cleo, I declared firmly, eyes still affixed on Mik's retreating back. "I'll try to help with whatever only if you tell me everything you know about Et Kar."

"It's a deal. You'll know everything when we meet again." Cleo nodded once. "I have to go inside," he added as he strode towards the front door and opened it, sending me one last glance - which I could've sworn held a fleeting look of remorse - before disappearing.

I clenched my jaws in distrust and growing anger, but then I let go of the building hatred and turned towards my own destination.


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