Chapter 7

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Hey guys :)

~~~cammy's pov~~~

Reese stood there with a shocked expression. I guess I caught him off guard there.

"How did you find out?" He asked in the smallest voice possible.

"I was going through old records for a school project and found out." I looked away and down, having one very disturbing thought cross my mind. What if he saw my scars? The ones my tattoo was covering.

"I'm sorry baby. I should have told you but-" I cut him off by taking his face in my small hands and pressing my lips to his. He almost instantly kissed back. His muscular arms wrapping around my waist and pressing my body into his. We pulled away panting and slightly out of breathe. He carefully took both of my wrist in his hand and rolled the sleeves up head immediately looked down to the ground, knowing that he saw the scars.

"Reese I can-" he cut me off by pressing his index finger onto my lips. He carefully examined them; making sure that they were new, then he did something I didn't expect him to do. He bent his head down to my wrist and kissed each scar, there were only a few. Once he kissed the last one he came back up to my level and pulled me into a hug.

"Please don't do it again. And if you ever feel like you want to, then just call me. I'll be here within no time." He mumbled kissing my scalp softly. I nod and bury my face deeper into his chest to hide the tears that began forming. I hate being this weak. I hate the fact that I now know my real parents are dead. But the worst of all is the feelings. The feeling that I was betrayed, they all kept this from me. Even Niall, who was supposed to be my own father.

"Reese can you go home." He pulled away this a sad expression. He gave a slight nod and walked out of my room. Once he was gone I fell to the ground. Pulling my knees into my chest and crying. I just don't understand why they would tell me this big of a lie, all of them. Even uncle Liam, who never lied in his life. They all knew and they all lied to me.

I've never felt so alone in my life, so betrayed, and so hurt. I'm not even mad that they lied to me, I'm just hurt. I grew up in the spotlight that I never wanted. I hate the attention from the media. And now this. The only thing that I can think of right now is that little voice that's inside my head, a little voice telling me that they never cared and that it's all just an act. A little voice that is saying They would be better off without me.

~Niall's pov~

"What do you mean she found out Reese how the hell did she find out." I whisper-yelled to the young lad in front of me. How could this be happening? I tried so hard to keep this from her and now all my efforts went to waste.

"She said by doing a project on some family history. She doesn't what happened or what they did to her, but Niall she wasn't taking it well. I could tell that she felt so hurt. Also I found something even worse out." He trailed off.

"What could be worse than this?" I mean really, she probably hates everyone right now for lying to her.

"Niall she use to hurts herself" he barely whispered. I linked rapidly and shook my head. No this isn't true this can't be true. I run upstairs and try to open her door, but it was locked. What if she's doing it again right now? I walked to the other side of the hallway and ran full speed to the door, breaking it open. And what I saw just about broke my heart, she was lying of her floor sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. Dear god what have we done, better yet, what have I done.


Hey guys! I know I've been a lazy ass and not been updating but I've had writers block. So how was everyone's Christmas? And can you believe it's 2014!! I mean seriously where did he time go? Gosh that sounds like something an old person would say. Well leave a comment below of what you got and also go check out my new book!

Lovers you all byeeee

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