Chapter 5

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Hey guys please read the authors note below

~~Reese's pov~~

We laid in bed for the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies. There was something bugging her though, and I knew it. She was being super secretive about her wrist. She was hiding it, constantly pulling down her sleeves.

"Boo you ok?" I said looking down at her little head that was buried into my chest. She looked up and batted her eyelashes.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked returning her attention to the idiot box in front of us that was currently playing the perks of being a wall flower. I sigh and let it go for now. But I will find out what it is that she's hiding from me. She's still hesitant about the relationship, but when she kissed back I couldn't deny the sparks. She was so passionate about it, like I would disappear if she ever let go.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom ok?" She quietly murmured before getting up and shuffling across the room.

~~cammy's pov~~

One I got into the bathroom and locked the door I pulled up my sleeve. My hand slowly ran over my inked up wrist. I did it as a reminder and to hide the scars. It was an infinity symbol with the words stay strong written into them. Yeah I use to cut, but no one ever found out. Actually I did it again, on my other wrist. I just wanted to take he emotional pain away. I just wanted a reminder that I'm still alive and I also wanted to feel the pain.

I shake my head at the thought of pain. I still can't believe that they never told me. It makes so much since though. I may have grown up to he his daughter but I still can't change what I know. It all started when I was at the library researching famous explorers and there relatives and I decided to look up the Horan family tree. That's when I found out.

Ever since then the flashbacks started happening again. The ones I had when I was young. I was always told they were just dreams or nightmares and to forget them, but I could never shake off this feeling that they were more than that. A clanking noise brought me out of my thoughts, I cautiously looked around to see that I had broken a glass cup.

"Boo you ok in there?" Reese's voice echoed throughout the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine just accidentally broke a cup." I weakly reply "I'll be out shortly" I finished cleaning up the glass and I walked out of the bathroom. I laid down on the bed next to Reese and cuddled into him. I've had to much going on in my head right now I think I'll just take a nap. With Reese rubbing my back and the soft hum of the television all helped me easily rest my clouded mind.

~~Reese pov again~~

Once she had fallen asleep I grabbed her arm and rolled her sleeve up. She got a tattoo ?!?!?! I ran my fingers over it and then found out why. It all made since now, she got the tattoo to cover up the scars she must have cut herself before. Does that mean she found out? About her mom?


Hey guys I mean holy crap!! I got almost 100 more reads since the last chapter. I mean like wut? 0.o I can't even explain how much I love you guys so much!!

So what do you think is going on with Cameron's mom? Hehehe well I'm sorry for such a crappy chapter. :/ also go check out my new book guardian angel!!! Byee love you all

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