"Damn girl, you're hotter than the bottom of my laptop." He said, leaning on the desk, wiggling his eyebrows at Alice.

"If you could just follow Nico to the back, he will get you set up for your appointment." Alice said professionally, disregarding his statement. But the man didn't move.

"I was feeling a little off this morning, but you definitely turned me on." He continued. "Are you a vampire? Cause you looked a little thirsty when you saw me." Alice was clearly done with this. Nico knew she could handle herself, but that didn't stop him from coming closer and staring him down, making the man as uncomfortable as possible.

"Either cut the crap and follow Nico into the back for your appointment or get out. I will not hesitate to use this" she placed a small canister of pepper spray on the desk "should you choose to continue attempts." Alice never broke her sense of professionalism, and she smiled sweetly at the end of her sentence as if she hadn't just threatened to pepper spray the man.

"Lead the way." He said, turning to Nico who started walking to the back room where he had his supplies. He never liked guys like this, but he was a decent human being so as much as he was tempted to accidentally mess up the tattoo, he refrained. When he was done and finished explaining aftercare, he followed him out to the front instead of staying behind and cleaning up as usual to make sure there was no funny business. He paid and left, not saying anything.

"Ugh. Men." Alice rolled her eyes. "Well not you, you're fine, but you know what I mean." She corrected. Nico laughed and headed back to clean up his station. When he was done he pulled out the sketchbook Will had given him for Christmas and got to work on the design.

He had absolutely no idea what to do for Will, but after looking through a few of the books they had and looking up some pictures on the work laptop, he had an idea of where to start at least. He got to work, working and reworking the design until he was happy with it, finishing just as his next client walked in. That was how the rest of his shift continued, going between clients and designing.

It was a long day, and his classes had resulted in an enormous amount of homework, but he finally made it home. He kept dinner simple and left some out for when Will got back before heading to his room to get started on his essays.

A knock at his door startled him, making him jump. "Yeah?" Nico called out, pushing his laptop aside.

"Victor texted me, asking if I had moved out yet. Do you know what that was about?" Will was completely puzzled over the situation.

"Umm that may be my fault?" Nico mentioned quietly, figuring things with Aurora had blown over enough.

"Don't be ridiculous, it had nothing to do with you. And I'm not moving out, this place is cheap and the company isn't bad." Will teased.

"It's the company he is worried about Will, he knows I'm gay. I didn't just ditch you in the middle of the night, he kicked me out." Nico said plainly. It took a minute for the full affect to hit Will, but when it did, even Nico was scared of him.

"What happened to your hands?" Will breathed out after taking a minute to calm down enough to speak. "If he so much as laid a finger on you-"

"I tripped, honest. All he did was kick me out of the house and tell me not to go near your family again. It's not that big of deal, Will. I knew what he thought and it was my choice to go anyways." Nico stated. "It's fine."

"It is absolutely not fine. You were nothing but nice the entire time and he has the audacity to kick you out?" Will was about to start ranting again, but Nico held up his hand to cut him off.

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