Chores and Books

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I groaned as I reached up with the dirtied, once white cloth. God, why are these windows so tall? I hopped down from the step ladder and sighed. I looked around the large room. All of us were in the library. Cleaning. Every single inch of the library. For the price of breaking one of the (many) vases handmade by Sally, Slender decided our punishment to be cleaning. After trying to explain to the faceless entity, Slender decided to make us (those of us who aren't Toby or EJ) guilty by association, which, mind you, was completely unfair. I was picking up the vase pieces and watching the two pastas fight.

Masky was furiously wiping off end tables, muttering something under his breath. Toby and EJ were sweeping and vacuuming the floors, they were yelling apologies to each other over the sound of the vacuum. Toby's head was wrapped up to stop the blood from continuing to pour from the back of his head, apparently Chernobog had smashed the vase onto the boy's head. EJ had his mask to the side of his face, his nose had a large medical patch over it that he wouldn't be able to fit in the mask even if he tried. So he was half-masked EJ today. I could hear LJ cursing above me to the right, he was floating in midair, using a feather duster to get the dead skin off the books on the higher shelves. I couldn't see him, but I was sure that BEN was slacking off up in the second floor of the library, playing on his DS, or PSP, or even his Gameboy. Gavin was in the back, growling and glaring at nothing, mumbling to himself similar to what Masky was doing. Jeff, though, was being a baby and pouting in the corner, refusing to so any work.

It's amazing to watch a twenty something year old man pout and refuse to do work, but this is Jeff, so why am I surprised? I sighed again, looking up at the half clean glass window. At the bottom, you could actually see the outside, a clearing that goes on for the approximate length of half a football field, then hits the surrounding forest that leads into darkness and despair. And maybe a well. And a cliff o'er looking a very clear lake. It was one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen, but living here wasn't all gumdrops and unicorn farts like so many fangirls believe it to be. It was terrifying here in the mansion, you never know when there will be a new pasta visiting that day, and you could very narrowly die if you aren't careful. Yes, I still read the fanfictions about Creepypasta, mostly to remind myself that these people can be pretty funny and likable, deep, deep down. I have seen the pastas show their Fanon selves at least once. I had gotten a good laugh out of it, and my day was lightened dramatically.

"Do you need any help?"

I screamed, whipping my cleaning cloth at the man that had started speaking without warning. "God damn, Mickey, chill the hell out. It's just me," Gavin gripped my wrist until I lowered my weapon. How did he get to the front of the library so fast without detection? Nevermind, I forget that he's practically a ghost like BEN. I nodded and pointed up at the top of the windows, there was dirt up there, the hell do you get food up there? Food isn't even allowed in the library, so how the fuck did a slice of swiss cheese get on the window? My thoughts were interrupted when Gavin tapped my shoulder and jabbed his thumb behind him. I looked and saw the most amazing thing: food.

I hightailed my tired booty to the plate even before the Beldam could put it on the table. I looked up at her and smiled, "Thank you, Other Mother." The raven haired woman shushed me and shoved a sandwich in my mouth, smiling fondly down at me. Masky groaned as he came trudging over to the plate of sandwiches...and an organ in a jar...ew. LJ took his sandwich, took a bite, then disappeared in black smoke. It was the same with the rest of them. Gavin stood behind me as I chewed my ham and cheese sandwich. I glanced up at the cheese on the window and slowly set my sandwich down on the plate and pushed the plate across the small end table. "Gross," I muttered. I sat down in the dark red violet colored velvet seat beside the clean part of the window. I watched through the window as Clockwork was pulling Liu into the woods. Why was she pulling Liu into the woods? I squinted my eyes to try to see better, and what I saw, made me cringe, so, so badly.

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