Chapter 27

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Jay's POV

After Alice's and Zack's pledges, they stayed for about another half an hour before driving to the airport to fly to their hotel in southern Africa I think it was.
Judge me for not remembering it! I just know that Zack wanted to go there for a really long time and Alice didn't mind, as long as she got to spend her honey moon with Zack.
I smiled at the thought of their wedding, not only because my best friend got married, but also because I saw Jack again.
Thinking of Jack made my stomach drop again. He was currently away with Alex doing only god knows what. I didn't mind, I mean he wanted to spend time with his best friend plus, I needed to check some things myself.

Currently, I was waiting for Cassadee to pick me up from mine and Jack's house. She was the only one I told about this, well except for Lydia, but she kind of figured it out herself. I wasn't sure if it was true what we all suspected, but I was going to get that checked today. My breaths were shakily, and my hands were shaking as well. My knees were like jelly and I just hoped Cass could get here sooner. I started chewing on my nails, something I wasn't doing a lot lately. Looking out of the window, I still couldn't see her. But well, it was five minutes before we said we'd meet. I took a deep breath, before walking into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, and tried to calm myself.

You're going to be alright, nothing bad is going to happen. You'll handle the situation. Nothing will happen. It's just an-
My train of thoughts was interrupted by the door bell. I ran into the hall way, opening the door. Cass stood there, with a sympathetic smile, stretching her arms out to hug me. I gladly accepted the hug, before putting on my shoes and jacket.
We walked to the car in silence, and the drive was also filled with silence. I knew that she wanted to ask so many questions, yet she didn't dare to say anything. I ran my hands through my hair.
“This is ridiculous” I whispered, my head still in my hands.
“It's not! It's all going to be fine, I mean... It will be fine, right?” She asked unsure.
“I don't know” I replied honestly.
“Well, do you think you're like... Ready?” She asked.
“If I'm being honest, no. I don't think that either Jack is ready, nor am I ready. We're both still children. Both of us love to get drunk, not to mention the fact that I got hammered on Alice's wedding some days ago. It's just not good if I lie to myself and Jack. We really aren't ready” I replied honestly.
“So you're going to-” she didn't have to finish.
“If it's being positive probably. I don't know what will happen afterward. But it's for the best of us” I cut her off.
She nodded. Though she was shocked, she understood me. I had no idea how she could be so calm and understand all of this, when I on the other hand didn't understand my self and was a wreck. But hey, it's me who's going through it, not her right?
My phone buzzed and I didn't even need to check who it was to know who messaged me.

'So, what is my darling doing today without her amazing boyfriend ;) xx' Jack asked. I could feel my heart tearing apart in my chest, and tears threatening to fall.
'Nothing much, out with Cass :b wbu? Xx' I replied, hating to lie to him. Well it wasn't a lie if you see it like this. I was really out with Cass.
'Wish I could be with you :( We're planning tour and stuff! Wish you could be here xx' He wrote, making me smile sadly.
'Nah, enjoy your time with the boys! I'll be back sooner than you think, then we can do what ever you want!' I send him, slightly regretting it.
'What do you have in mind ;)' he asked, making me smile.
'How about we watch home alone?' I suggested.
'Best girlfriend EVER!' he replied. I smiled and put my phone away, knowing full well we probably wouldn't be watching home alone later if I came home with the news I think I'm going to come back with.
I sighed and looked out again. We were driving for a long time now, and I was wondering where we were.
“We're not going to one in Baltimore, it's not safe enough. If any fans should spot you, you're dead” Cass explained when she saw my confused look.
“Thank you so much Cass” I smiled at her. She shook her head.
“No need to thank me, you'd do the same!” She replied, smiling as well. Yeah, apart you wouldn't be in that situation I though to myself.

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now