Chapter 18

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Currently All Time Low was playing again and I was standing at the side, watching all of them do whatever they have to do. Okay who am I kidding? I'm watching Jack playing guitar. He looked so concentrated yet he was playing like it was no bother. Surely, I was smiling like a creep, and when he looked up I'm one hundred percent sure I blushed furiously.

They just finished Weightless and Alex gave Zack this look, I just couldn't define it. Shortly after that Zack nodded towards Jack who smiled as well. I looked behind me to see Alice standing there, looking just as confused as me.

“What'cha doing here?” I asked smiling.

“If I only knew, Vinny told me to come up here, he said that it was really important and so here I am” she laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows, before turning back to the stage.

Alex was just finished one of his usual dick jokes, making me chuckle and roll my eyes. Just then Zack grabbed the microphone, making me and Alice raise our eyebrows. He smiled short, before starting to speak.

“Okay guys, I know I rarely talk, but when I talk it's often really important! So right now, I have really important news for you, and I would really like if Alice joined me while I tell you this” he smiled, turning to our side. I turned to Alice and smiled widely at her, nudging her carefully and pushing her towards the stage. I could see her whole body shaking and her face getting slightly- no, actually really red. Just when Alice reached Zack the whole crowd went silent. Oh god I wouldn't like to be in her situation right now.

“Okay guys, I guess you all now Alice here?” He asked smiling. Alice waved awkwardly at the crowd, making the whole crowd cheer. I smiled reassuring at her and giving her a thumbs up, making her sigh slightly. “So guys, I just need to tell you that this lovely lady over here, is my amazing girlfriend” Zack announced cutely, smiling cheekily in the end, before pulling Alice into a kiss. The whole crowd went nuts, but it didn't seem like they were angry, they were all looking so happy and smiled. As they pulled apart, Alice looked at the ground blushing, but looked up smiling shortly after. She waved at the crowd once again, before walking back over to the side of the stage, where I waited for her and winked at her, making her laugh and roll her eyes.

“You knew it all the time, didn't you?” She laughed.

“Nope, I was as surprised as you were” I laughed.

The concert went by really fast, and as Dear Maria started playing I grinned to myself, before taking the water guns I'd prepared before.

Remember when I told Jack I'd pay him back? Well I keep my promises. I handed Alice one, before taking the other ones and quickly walking on stage, making sure Jack wouldn't notice the water guns too fast. I handed Alex one, and ran over to Rian, while Alice gave one to Zack.

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen” Alex sang, and where the guitar would normally set in, we all just screamed and started aiming at Jack who started screaming like a little girl. As our guns ran out of water we all lost it and started laughing, while Jack was soaking wet, looking at us as if he gave up on hope.

“You fuckers” he said, before laughing as well.

“You love us really” Alex laughed, standing properly again.

“I do” Jack laughed.

“Jack, your gay is showing” I managed to say, before cracking up laughing again, making Alice laugh as well. By the time both of us were already on the floor, crying from laughter. “GODDAMNIT” I chuckled, as my tummy started aching. We all calmed down after a couple of minutes, looking ashamed to the ground.

“Sorry” we all said in unison, giggling a little.

Jack just shook his head and rolled his eyes, before laughing and sighing.

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now