Chapter 9

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I woke up in the middle of the night because I could swear I've heard somebody talking. I shifted around, until I got out of Jack's grasp and slowly approached the corridor, closing the door so I wouldn't wake Jack. I decided to grab a drink before going back to sleep, as the talking was obviously just imagination. I went into the kitchen and got a glass and poured water in it, before downing it in some swigs. I finished and was about to go back to sleep, when suddenly I heard the voices again. I walked around the house but no matter where I went, they wouldn't get louder or quieter. I decided to go upstairs, though it was completely stupid, I thought that I might hear them on the balcony better. I opened the glass door and stepped out, the cold air hitting me. It was still dark outside and I assumed it was about 3am. I sat down on one of the chairs and breathing in the fresh air. Though I started to shiver, I decided not to go back inside. After staying there for a good half an hour, I started to feel really tired. As I was about to stand up and walk in, my eyes shut and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Jack's POV

I woke up the next day to find that Jay wasn't in bed with me anymore. I furrowed my eyebrows before standing up and stretching. Walking out I thought about where she could be.

'Maybe she's already in the kitchen making breakfast?'I thought while sprinting into the kitchen to find it empty. I walked into every single room downstairs and then went upstairs. She wasn't in the bathroom and well, I've just been in the bedroom. She couldn't be on the balcony, could she? I asked myself while opening the door to find her fast asleep on one of the garden chairs. My mouth dropped open and I ran over. Her skin was cold and her lips had a shade of purple. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, pulling the blankets over her.

'She's going to be fine, nothing has happened, she's just cold, everything will turn out good' I repeated to myself, while walking up and down the room, knowing that it might also turn out really bad.

After a while I decided to bring hot-water bottle in here, so that she would warm up faster. I prepared it and put it on somewhere under her blanket, before lying down next to her and pulling her close, so I'd warm her up as well. I stroked some strands of her hair off of her face, kissing her temple, while stroking her back carefully. Slowly her skin got warmer again and her lips went back to a shade of pink. About an hour later she started to wake up and blinked a few times before jumping up.

“Hey, everything's okay” I said, trying to calm her.

“D-Do you hear them as well?” she asked in a whisper.

“Hear who?” I asked confused.

“The voices” she breathed out, still staring at the wall opposite of the bed.

“Jay, nobody is talking” I answered, stroking her back. She flinched at my contact and I decided to give her space. “Do you need a drink?” I asked carefully.

She shook her head no in response and ran into the bathroom. I walked downstairs, leaving her to sort her problems and calling Alice.

“Wassup?” I hear Alice pick up the phone.

“Pretty much, what about you?” I asked her.

“Nothing important, what's wrong?” She asked confused.

“Uhm... how do I ask this... What is up with Jay? Like today I woke up to find her asleep on the balcony and then when she woke up she asked me if I could hear the voices?” I asked scared and confused.

“How long has she been at yours?” Alice asked after a couple of seconds.

“I don't know, about 5days I think” I said, trying to remember.

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora