"These should do fine. Do you burn in the sun easily?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, I'm going to get you some sunblock in case. Your skin is really pale and could burn easily." I responded. Dorean nodded, and I left the room to my bathroom where I grabbed a bottle of sunblock. I wouldn't need any. My skin didn't burn, both because I was a god and it was a bit on the dark side. Golden tan from both my heritage and the hot sun that hung in the sky. The only thing that inhabitated the skies here. There was no moon or stars anymore. The only reason the sun stayed behind was because I was a minor god of the sun. The rising of the sun was rebirth, daylight. Had I not been, there would be no sun and it would be eternally dark.

I returned to Dorean's room, slowing down until I came to stop to see Dorean in the swim trunks I'd given him and the white button up shirt. The swim trunks were just a bit snug, and short because I couldn't resist being a pervert. They hugged his perfect little backside and his tail fell right over it and onto the floor behind him. The shirt had been made with special holes in the back so that his wings could slip right through them. He'd found a few barrettes to hold his bangs back from his bright, happy face. He jumped when he saw me, beaming from ear-to-ear as he ran over to me.

"How do you use this?" He asked when I handed him the bottle.

"I can apply it for you. Let's head out to the patio first." Dorean nodded as I led him through the house to the patio. I squirt the white substance onto my hand and touched Dorean's arms, making him yelp in shock. I looked at him, removing my hands instantly and he blushed to the tips of his pointed ears.

"Sorry," He managed, "It's cold!"

"I should've warned you. My bad." I responded. Dorean gave me a shy smile as he looked back down at his feet. I felt a smile threatening to tug at the corners of my mouth, but I didn't let it dare. I swallowed it down and began to apply the sunblock to Dorean's pale skin. It was smooth and translucent. It reminded me of white chocolate fresh out of the wrapper. And the sunblock just made it even whiter. He reminded me of a china glass doll, even with the faint pink on his cheeks from the heat and his earlier reaction.

Once I was finished, I grabbed a couple of towels and we headed down to the beach. The sand was hot and silky, but Dorean didn't seem to mind as he ran ahead of me and stood on the shoreline as the warm water drifted onto the shore, then sucked itself back out to sea. I set our towels down and approached the water slowly, frowning down at the crystal clarity of it.

At one point in time, this shoreline had been swarming with little fish, the occasional scuttling crab and white birds, not seagulls, though, soaring down close in hopes of making a meal of the little clams that burrowed beneath the wet sand. There had also been rows of colorful shells beneath the water's surface, some a bit sharp and dangerous, some smooth and beautiful.

Now there was only the water and the dust of what had once been.

"What's wrong?" I blinked, looking down when a soft hand touched my arm and I found Dorean staring up at me with big silver eyes. I looked away from him, moving away from his touch, as nice as it was. I wasn't accustomed to people being so comfortable with me and whenever he touched me, a spark went through me and ignited a lust I was fighting hard to keep at bay.

"I haven't actually been out here in a while." I told him, which wasn't a lie exactly. I had tried to stay away from the ocean. While there were very good memories of the seas of this realm, they were too painful to relive.

"Why not," Dorean asked incredulously, following me as I started to walk along the shore, "Is so pretty and warm! I love sunlight! And the water is warm too. Can we swim in it?" I hadn't even considered actually swimming in the water. I was hesitant, though. I just nodded to Dorean and he smiled, but instead of running out into the water like I had expected him to do, he reached his hand out and took mine.

Aftermath [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now