Chapter 1 - The Start of the End

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I was scared. The walls around me shook and explosions could be heard every few seconds. I sat in the corner of my room with my Golden Retriever, Sam. He panted at my side looking up at me with his innocent eyes. I patted him, assuring him that he would be ok. Another explosion sounded, this time louder and more powerful than the others. My parents were overseas on their honeymoon which is why they left me and my older brother, Isaac here. Isaac sat in the opposite corner, closer to the window, peering out every time there was an explosion. He assured me that everything was ok and that he would get us out of this. I was about to go over to the window when another explosion sounded blowing back far across the room. There was fire all around me as I recovered and I could see .... Oh My God! No! Isaac was the best brother I could have ever had. I couldn't bare to look at his flaming body with a beam from the roof piercing through his body. He lay the lifeless with the a blank expression, blood trickling through his shirt. I screamed and shouted with tears streaming down my eyes. I tried rushing over to him but a section of the roof stopped me, no matter how hard I heaved and pushed. I picked up Sam, and ran out of my room hesitantly looking back at my brothers lifeless body. I said Goodbye to him as I made a ran to the front door. 

I kicked the flaming door open and looked at the street ahead of me, tears still rolling down my cheeks. There was not a single house that stood undamaged in my street. I then let Sam down on the ground and rushed back inside for my back pack. Once I had found it, I ran to the fridge and emptied as much stuff as I could. I then went to dad's room and grabbed his baseball bat and pocket watch. I ran outside and Sam followed me at my feet. I looked around and thought that it would be best to go to the shopping centre in case there were any survivors there. That way I wouldn't be on my own. I wiped the tears from my face and walked to the shops. What had the world come to. World War 3 ? I tried to put away that thought as another man fled out of his house and onto the street. He looked back screaming a name that I couldn't understand. I walked over to him but he saw me and charged towards me screaming and gritting his teeth. His mouth frothed and I pulled the baseball bat out of my bag. I held it shaking in my hands at prepared myself in case he came any closer. I swung the bat with full power sending the crazed man flying across the street. Blood gushed out of his mouth and formed a puddle around his face. I looked closer at him on the ground and he leapt up grabbing my shoulder screaming "THE WORLD IS DEAD. YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD ALONG WITH IT!!!" as blood was sprayed onto my face. Sam ran at the man and bit his elbow making the man let go and scream in agony. I wriggled away from him and ran as far as I could with Sam away from the man. His voice rang over my head as I walked with Sam to the shops that we could see not far off in the distance.

Once Sam and I had reached the shops we tried finding survivors. We came across a lady named Suzanne who said she wanted to stay with us and away from the crazed men. She must have had a similar experience to Sam and I. I explained to her what had happened at home and the crazed man as we sat still in a post office. We waited for a while until two other people stumbled upon us. At first we thought they were crazed but we realised ( after we had accidentally knocked them both to the floor) that they were unaffected from whatever was going around. Their names were George and Anthony. I took my jacket off as the wind around me was humid and stuffy. As we sat around the fan, we exchanged theories of what we thought was going on. George, the tall and fairly young man thought that the government started a War with Russia. Anthony thought that maybe aliens had come to Earth to take over. Suzanne and I were too scared to even think of what had happened ! We all agreed that at first light we would set off to try find more survivors and also find out what has happened to the world!

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