Chapter 2 - Time to find the answer

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I opened my eyes and looked around. Whilst I yawned I saw George and Antony, laying together but I didn't see any sign of Suzanne. I woke the other two up and asked if she told them she was going somewhere. Neither of them knew and so we grabbed our bags, filled them up with the leftover food and set out. We walked out of the post office to see Suzanne lying in a pool of blood, a large chunk of flesh torn out of her stomach. We could see her ribs, it was that bad. I closed her distraught looking eyes and wished her safe travels. We spent a moment with her until we saw a two men chewing and gnawing at her removed intestines. I leant over into the post office and spewed out the remainder of my last night dinner. I picked up my bat and stumbled out to get the men. I then heard 'Thump', 'Thump'. I walked out and saw George and Antony smashing the men with brute force. They screamed and yelled at them as blood sprayed onto the flowers opposite them in the florist and all over their faces. I let my jaw drop as they stopped and looked over at me. I knew I could trust them. They told me that they had created a unique bond with Suzanne and that those crazed men had to pay for what they did. I agreed and then went over to both of them and smashed with the hardest shots ever as revenge and out of fury.

The three of us and Sam walked tirelessly all day, all night, for about 5 days, fighting off the occasional crazed person. We had nearly reached the airport where we thought we could possibly find more help, but we had to fight our way through flaming beams and broken walls. What we found that day both shocked us and amazed us. Inside the Airport was what looked like pods; dripping with green slime and fizzing bubbles. Maybe they were right. Maybe this was some sort of alien takeover. We looked all around and then saw a large silhouette, hardly something to call human. We ducked behind a set of seats and the creature came closer and closer. Oh my God! It was dripping with blood and had six long protruding legs that helped it move like a spider. What I saw it do next made me swallow my own vomit. It walked over to a man with his mouth frothing which we had not even seen before and wrapped its large legs around with, squeezing him tight. He screamed and yelled and begged but the creature did not react. It then started stretching its body around the man forming a cocoon. He screamed even louder now and then we heard what we recognised as a 'crunch'. Green slime dripped of the... whatever it was now and fizzed as it hit the ground. It stunk like hell and made me want to run out of the airport that very instant. I burped in my mouth which made a creature off in the distance look in our direction. How did he hear that from so far away? I told the others that we should probably go but the other two were to consumed in observing the creatures appearance. 

I bumped them hard, which got their attention and told them that we should be going otherwise we'll turn up as salad for them. We tried exiting quietly but the creature quickened it's pace and started galloping towards us. We ran as fast as we could but the creature leapt on me, hauling me to the ground. It had long  sharp razor like teeth and about a hundred eyes. It looked into my eyes saying nothing and then screamed at the top of its voice in a screeching high pitch sound which made my ears bleed. I kicked and tried to get it off me when I heard 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG'. Green slime dripped onto my shirt and felt steaming hot. I pulled it off me and threw it to the floor. I looked at the creature; four bullet holes sprayed in its back. A man stood there in the distance with a large rifle and wearing a gas mask. It almost reminded me of a scene from a horror movie. I tried running to him to thank him but he vanished amidst a large pack of the creatures. I stopped dead in my tracks and bolted the other way. The other two caught on as I scooped Sam up and ran out the Departure area. 'SMASH'. I looked back and saw the creatures charge through the entrance doors. They obviously didn't know how to use doors wherever they came from. And on we went, running from the pack of creatures.

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