A-are you serious?

252 24 17

New message

Recipient(s): Metalhead, Bumblebee, Wendy.
Subject: No subject.

Me: Okay.. Um... guys... I have something to tell you..

Metalhead: Is it about you being a dragon slayer after all?

Wendy: WHAT!?

Me: Um no... It's not about that...

Wendy: You boys never tell me anything!

Me: Anyway... Just don't get mad when I tell you.

Wendy: What have you done?

Bumblebee: Pls don't say you've been arrested. I can't be bothered to come to the station.

Me: This is me we're talking about... Not Gajeel.

Metalhead: Asshole

Me: Why did you all assume something is wrong or I did something?

Wendy: Bc the last time u txted us all at the same time u told us you'd been suspended from school.

Me: Fair point. But it's not really bad this time...

Metalhead: 'not really bad'

Me: Shut up idiot. Just don't freak out okay... I'm outside.

Bumblebee: R u telling me I have 2 move? Bc that's effort.

Wendy: Sting move yo lazy ass.

I waited for a few minutes and then I heard the front door open.

"Natalie?" Wendy called out softly.


Wendy, Gajeel and Sting all turned to look at me simultaneously. I gave them one of my signature awkward smiles and waved nervously.

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