The initiation

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The ground was cold and everything was dark around him. Hakyeon tried to move but he collided with another body. He had been attacked in his sleep and dragged by force into a place he did not recognize. He could hear voices, but he could not see anything. He let his hand fumble on the cold ground until he touched the body of a person next to him. " Who is here ? Who are you ? » He asked. Hands fell on his face and tried to recognize his countenance. "It's me Hongbin. Hakyeon is it you?  » Asked the voice of his friend. Hakyeon sighed with joy. He was happy not to be alone and to have one of his friends with him. The light turned on at that moment, and Hakyeon blinked to adjust to clarity. He then turned his head on each side. He was in the Great Hall of the Student Assembly and he had next to him the other first-year students. What were they all doing in the room? Who had kidnapped them? A voice then caught his attention. "Your initiation started," says Leo's voice. Hakyeon looked at him in shock. In recent times, he had come to know Leo a little better, he thought he knew Leo's soft and gentle side. But he must have been wrong because right now Leo had a hard face and a brittle voice. It was exactly like the first day of their meeting. He had become the arrogant man that Hakyeon hated. Hakyeon remembered that Leo had just spoken of initiation. Initiation? What would the third-year students do to them? Hakyeon and the other students waited for minutes to begin, but the members of the club of seven did not move. They were standing on the stairs and watching the confusion on the face of the first-year students. "What do they want us to do?" A student asked. No answer. Several minutes passed before the students came together to discuss the situation. " What are they waiting for ? That we sat wisely waiting for them? » A student asked. "No, we've been waiting for more than an hour and nothing has changed. No, I think we have to act. They're testing us, "another student said. "So what should we do? » Ken asked. But no one had the answer to his question. After a few minutes of reflection, Hakyeon remembered that they were exactly at the same day that they had arrived in this university three months ago. "When we arrived at this university, we were welcomed in the same room and in the presence of the members of the club of seven. I think we have to reproduce the events of that day. » Hakyeon suggested. "Do we have to go out and do some pumps?" A student asked. Hakyeon nodded his head. "We have nothing to lose," says another student.

The students raced around the sports field several times and then began to push. The strongest helped the weakest to finish the mission. When they all finished,  the group go back to the great hall. Upon their arrival, a member of the club of seven who was standing, sat down. The team began to howl with joy. They had just accomplished a feat. There were still six. "One of the values ​​of this university is to learn from its experiences and mistakes, you have been able to anticipate our requests by experience, so I accept you as initiates," said the student who had sat down. "Another of our values ​​is to be able to support and help your comrade when you face a difficulty, you have amazed me. I also accept you as an initiate.» Hyuk said as he sat down. The students shouted even more. They had managed to get two votes. The time passed before another student had an idea. "We should talk about the history of our university. It's very important for the third year students, "says one student. He succeeded in making the hymn of their university sing. Students were then grouped according to the different specialties offered by the university. A third member of the club of seven sat down. They now had three votes out of seven. The students tried to come up with ideas. Some were good and others bad. But by four o'clock in the morning they had succeeded in obtaining the vote of the six members of the club. All that remained was Leo's vote. The students knew that Leo liked to punish them so they had chosen to redo all the punishments that Leo had inflicted on them, but nothing. Leo was still standing. Flattery, running, pumps, ... nothing had satisfied Leo. Hakyeon then remembered that the first time they were with Leo, they were still arguing because Leo did not agree with his behavior. He remembered too well why he had no friends. Why he had been beaten. "I'm sorry," he said. All eyes were directed towards him. " I am sorry. When I arrived at this university, I thought I knew everything and judged people without asking them. I decided alone of the actions of the group and it was hard for everyone. I do not mean that I regret my choices. No I do not regret my choices. But I learned with time to see beyond situations and actions. What I regret is that i have not asked for your opinion. I'm sorry I made you suffer, "said Hakyeon. His comrades felt touched by his words. Hakyeon also felt vulnerable. Since he had been beaten, he had refused to talk with the other students, now he regretted his immature attitude. If he had not been so foolish, he would have understood that he was hurting other students. He felt someone throw himself into his arms. "I'm sorry," another student said crying. The other students joined them and all took each other's arms. When they finally intertwined, they noticed that Leo had sat down. He lets them a lion-headed brooch and smiles at them. "A lot of quality is needed to be a worthy representative of our university. But if you want to be the best then you must first be united. Because we are united, I accept you as my juniors and as future representatives of this university. Come and take the proof of your initiation's success, "says Leo.

Hakyeon watched the students scroll one by one in front of the members of the club of seven to take their brooch. He saw his friend Ken blush like a little girl in front of the man named Ravi. The latter had taken his hand and had written something on it. Was it a phone number? Ken seemed to be in paradise. Hongbin was no different. Hyuk had just slipped a bracelet around his wrist. Why a bracelet? Asked Hakyeon. He continued to watch the students scroll and leave in the next room to drink and have fun. Hakyeon remained behind. He wanted to see Leo alone. The opportunity came when everyone went to the next room to have fun and celebrate the success of the initiation. Leo sat alone on a step. Hakyeon came and sat down beside him. His presence startled Leo, who did not expect to see anyone. " What are you doing here ? They're all having fun next door. You should go, "Leo said. "I'll go after you give me my emblem," said Hakyeon. "You did not get any? What were you doing ? » Leo asked surprised. "I wanted to receive it from you, so I waited," Hakyeon said calmly. Leo rummaged through his pockets. " Sorry I have no more," he said. "I would wait," replied Hakyeon. They both sat in silence for a few minutes before Leo had an idea. He untied his cravat and pulled off the brooch that was on it. He turned to Hakyeon and placed the brooch on his cravat. "Pay attention. This brooch witnessed three years of battle at this university. You'll keep it for me, until I find one for you, " Leo said. Hakyeon stroked the brooch with his fingertips and nodded. " No. You have just given me a part of you and I intend to keep it carefully. Now this brooch and you, you belong to me, "said Hakyeon. Leo tried to refuse. "Hak ..." he began, but before he could finish, he felt warm lips sticking to his. Hakyeon pressed his lips to those of Leo and deepened his kiss. He had dreamed of this kiss for a long time. Finally, he could feel the sweetness of Leo's lips and know their taste. He would have liked to have more, but he had to stop even with a growing desire to belong to this man. Leo had not moved. He had not replied to his kiss. Hakyeon panicked. Had he destroyed everything between them? Did Leo hate his kiss? Hakyeon felt tearful. His love was not shared.

Leo was in shock. At first he had been surprised at Hakyeon's kiss. Then, when the kiss had stopped, he had surprised himself with wanting more. What did this man do to him? He could not fall in love with a man, and a freshman. Yet when he saw Hakyeon's sad eyes, Leo could not help caressing his cheek. He gently approached his face and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then another, and yet another, and finally a kiss on his lips. Hakyeon's lips opened to let him pass and Leo deepened his kiss. He let his tongue explore every corner of Hakyeon's mouth. He felt like sucking into an ocean of pleasure. He wanted more. He let his hand slip under Hakyeon's shirt. The latter groaned and Leo thought he was going crazy. He laid kisses on his neck and stretched Hakyeon to the floor. Hakyeon's hands slipped under his shirt and stroked his bare skin. Leo lost touch with reality. He did not think he could have so much fun embracing Cha Hakyeon. His hand slid down Hakyeon's thigh and moved closer to his crotch. A coughing sound was heard at that moment. The two men arose quickly. Leo ran out of the room as soon as he recognized Sora. Hakyeon blushed. He put on his clothes and went down the stairs. "Wait, if you hurt him I'll kill you," Sora shouted. Hakyeon gave him a smile. "I love him," he replied as he left the room.

Hello, yeahhh Leo and N get more close, how far will their nascent love go? See a little bit of their adventure in the next chapter. Raken and Hyukbin are also developing love little by little. As usual, I await your votes and comments. Lots of love.

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