The choice

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Hakyeon looked around. He still managed to lead all first years in trouble. He could not stop himself seeing that some students were not allowed in the room of the student assembly. Indeed, at the end of the week that was granted them, all first years students did not get all the signatures. Those whose books were not met, was returned outside as  soon as they arrive in the room. Hakyeon felt bad for them. He had succeeded. How? By daring to make the most risky challenge of his life. He had challenged Jung Taekwoon, the team leader of the seven and the president of the student association. He did not believe himself to have such courage in him, yet the words had crossed his lips and Leo looked at him angrily. He still saw the rage in his eyes and his lips shaking because he tried to stop the insults that might come out of his mouth. A friend had whispered a few words to him and Leo had calmed down. He looked at Hakyeon  like he was a waste and finally signed his book. From that moment, all the other members had accepted to sign the book of Hakyeon. Thus he was able to complete his punishment in time. Yet he felt bad for the other students who were unable to get there. He tried to calm down, to follow the recommendations of his friends Ken and Hongbin, but nothing. It was stronger than him. He could not remain indifferent. Then he spoke again. He explained all his frustration at having to undergo such tests, just to satisfy the pleasures of the third year students. This had put Leo angry and the result was that all freshmen had to do pushups. They had to prove they supported their colleagues and they formed a cohesive team.

Hakyeon was close to fainting. He had spent the day learning a new dance technique. His teacher asked him to resume again and again the same movement. At the end of his day, his whole body ached, but he still had to pump to satisfy the sadistic side of the club members. He would close his mouth and not intervene, but he could not. He knew that some freshmen began to hate him. For them, it was his fault they were often punished. Because of Hakyeon, they had to endure even more difficult trials. They received double punishment because Hakyeon defied the club members so often. Hakyeon knew all of that, but was it his fault that he could not stand the behavior of these people? Should he do as others and remain indifferent? But then who would take the defense of the weakest? Who would fight for them, for their rights? He heard someone at this time falling to the ground. A girl had stopped doing her punishment because she was tired. A member of the club of the seven, the one who was called Hyuk, rushed over her. " Get Up" he said. The girl tried to get up but she was too ill. "Stand up," he repeated. The girl did not move. Hyuk then raised her and repositioned her . The girl then began to cry. Hakyeon could not bear to see this. He rushed to Hyuk and stepped between him and the girl. "Enough," said Hakyeon. "Who are you to dare to challenge me ? " asked Hyuk. "I'm not trying to challenge you but to protect my friends. This girl can no longer standing, she is exhausted, "he said. "It's not my problem, you had to think before deciding to save your other comrades. You promised to do 100 push-ups in exchange for accepting the presence of students who had not passed the test. So we expect that you keep your promises. You must finish all the 100 pumps. ALL "said Hyuk. "We'll finish it but leave the girl in peace. I will do her part and mine too, "said Hakyeon. "Oh, and are you going to do the same for all the students in this room? Can you meet the challenge for them and fulfill your promise. We are talking about over 1000 pumps, "said a familiar voice. Hakyeon turned to him and was immediately annoyed even though something inside him began to stir. Leo had spoken.

Hakyeon saw him go down the stairs and go right to him. He was waiting for the answer to his question, but Hakyeon felt lost in contemplation of his eyes. Had they always been this color? Then he remembered who was in front of him and where he was. He had to defend his friends. " I am not alone. Many of us want to keep the whole group, "said Hakyeon. "Oh, and where are the others? I only see YOU. It is only YOU who decided to defend the other students. It is only YOU who intends to complete the tasks of others, "said Leo. Hakyeon looked around. Yes, he was the only one standing. Other students had their face down, even his friends Ken and Hongbin fleeing his gaze. Hakyeon could not blame them, everyone had his faults and everyone wanted to be accepted into this university. Him too, but he could not accept the behavior of the club members. "Is it a crime to defend my friends? "Asked Hakyeon defying Leo look. "Yes, it is. I've already said it,  in this university we do not need a hero. Only stupid people think they are heroes and think they can save the world. They even decide what is right or wrong and act according to their conscience. Yet it is everyone who suffers the consequences of their actions, even those who have not asked anything. YOU have decided for your friends without  asking them their opinion. YOU have chosen that they should stay in the group and for your choice, everyone has paid the price of sacrificing himself physically. You reproach us for not taking care of this girl, yet it is YOU who have chosen to put her in this situation. If YOU had not decided to help other students, she would never have suffered physically. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? "Asked Leo. Hakyeon was close to tears. Was that why people hated him ? He had decided for them without asking their opinion. He had not help then but instead he made them suffer. He read pity in the eyes of Leo and that made him angry. He did not want the pity of this man. Not from this man. He saw Leo get away from him and talk to other students. "Each of you must know your own limits. You can not save everyone. You can save your own person. The most important thing you have learned in this university is to know when to stop while there is still time. Otherwise you risk losing your identity. Nobody can realize your dreams for you, it's for you to fight to achieve them. You will suffer, you will laugh, you will cry, it's all part of the process to achieve your goals, but never forget to also know to let go before losing control. You can leave now, the meeting is over, "Leo said before leaving the room. Hakyeon watched him go. Every word of Leo's words were engraved in his memory, he should recognize that Leo was right.

"Sorry we're not good friends," said Hongbin and Ken. They were in the cafeteria and Hakyeon was still angry against them and against Leo. "You have abandoned me," said Hakyeon. "Sorry, these people intimidate me and I have not the courage to speak before them. I'm sorry again. Will you forgive me? "Ken asked. Hakyeon looked at his friends do the cat eyes and it made him laugh. "Okay, we stay friends. Besides, you're the only friends I have here how I could abandon you? I feel that everyone hates me here, "said Hakyeon. "No, I do not think they hate you. I think they are jealous of you because you attracts attention on you, especially the look of a certain person, "said Hongbin pointed a finger toward a student group. It was a group of students from third year. Among them Hakyeon could see Leo who was playing with his friends. He had never seen him like this. A girl appeared to be angry against him and was pointing a finger at him while Leo was hidding behind a student. The other students in the group was laughing. Leo looked like a child. He stood on his tiptoe and stuck his tongue out at the girl. The latter run to him and Leo hid behind another student. This game made Hakyeon laughed. He felt more and more captivated by the grace in the movements of Leo and the ripple of his hair on his face in his every gesture. This man was definitely beautiful, thought Hakyeon. He felt at that time the eyes of Leo crossed his. He saw him stop moving for a second. Hakyeon took the opportunity to give him a wink. He decided to change the method with this man, and he could swear that Leo had blushed. Yes, he had blushed, isn't it ? A hand on his arm made him return to reality. "Hakyeon, are you ok ? We talk to you since a few minutes, but you do not answer us, "Ken asked. Hakyeon looked at him with a smile on his face. "Ken, I decided that I would have this man," said Hakyeon. " Who ? "Asked Hongbin. "Jung Taekwoon, this man will be mine," said Hakyeon. His friends looked at him like he was crazy. But Hakyeon  did not give up, he was going to conquer this man.

"Does the training of freshmen going well ? "Asked the director of the university. "Yes sir, they learn a little more each day. Last week, they learned to unite to increase their strength, and this week, they learned to not  exceed their limits and to know when to let go, "Leo said. "Well, I count on you and on your group members to train them well. The training offered in this university is hard and many find themselves depressed for it. I want you to prepare  them mentally for the challenges that await them and to increase their teamwork. "Said the director. "Yes sir," replied Leo. "Are there some who pose you problems? I heard that a man who's name is Hakyeon did not respect the rules, "said the director. "He is young and wants to prove that he has good values. His behavior is not bad. For the moment, he is the only one who shows the most team spirit, then I place a lot of trust in him to become a successful person in the years to come, "said Leo. "WAW it's a nice compliment, it's rare that you do it for others, then I should meet this Cha Hakyeon, he must be great," said the director. Leo did not answer. He greet him and left the office. When he turned to shut the office door, Leo was in shock. Hakyeon was before him. Had he heard everything? Leo did not take the time to talk to him and headed for the stairs. "Leo" shouted Hakyeon. "WHAT? "Leo replied in facing him. " Do you know that you're very cute when you get angry ?," said Hakyeon. Leo opened his mouth to answer, but could not say any words. What could he answer to this sentence? He knew that Hakyeon was trying to provoke him , but Leo could not help but appreciate his comment. He felt himself blushing more and more. He could not stay in front of this man, much longer. He turned and walked down the steps.

Hello my fireflies, a new chapter. Do you like it? NEO begins to develop something. Poor Leo, Hakyeon really spirited seduce him. Happy reading and leave me comments and votes. Lots of love.

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