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Hakyeon couldn't do it no more. How many minutes did they were running in the rain? Where were their teachers? Was it no one to help them? He did not think to feel much pain by changing university. Yet he was so happy to become a student in one of the most prestigious art university in Seoul. He dreamed of going on stage since his childhood. He wanted to improve his singing and dancing skills. But for three days he was in this university, he had only one desire: to give up. Upon his arrival the first day, he had made friends. There was Ken who wanted to specialize in singing. Hakyeon had heard him sing and ohhhh his voice was beautiful. Especially, Hakyeon adored his bright side and his jokes were often funny. There was also Hongbin, the perfect student. This man was a walking encyclopedia. He spent all his time studying. Hakyeon envied him his handsome and intellectual side. He too was quite beautiful and smart but it is true that girls did not run after him as much as they did with Hongbin. With the presence of his new friends, Hakyeon could quickly adapt to student life, but he had every day to do the desires of the members of the club of the seven.

The club of the seven consisted of the seven most influential students of the university. The majority of them were third-year students. Among them was a man called Jung Taekwoon , but most students called him Leo because he roared like a lion and never smiled. This man and his club made life hard for first-year students. Leo was the club president and responsible for the selection of activities to offer. He also had the right to refuse or accept the presence of a student in their association. He was respected among students and faculty . Yet Hakyeon could not see what was special about him. On the contrary, as time passed and he began to hate the man who made them do all kinds of things. For three days, the freshmen had to run for thirty minutes before going to take their lesson, then join the club members in the gym room after school. In this room, they had to listen humiliating words and do more sports sessions. For what ? wondered Hakyeon. He came to dance not to be an athlete. Furthermore, those people who believed themselves superior to them because they were in the third year of art worth not much than them at their first year. They also were able to become like them with a few years of practice. Hakyeon still tried to run but his legs were already not wearing him. He felt himself fall to the ground. " Are you ok Hakyeon hyung? "Asked Hongbin rushing toward him. Hakyeon nodded his head. He tried to get up with the help of his friends. " Enough. Everyone in the hall, "yelled the voice of a club member of the seven. All freshmen walked  towards the hall. Hakyeon closed his eyes. Another meeting that he would dislike.

"Why can you not  answer a simple question? What is the emblem of our university? "Asked Leo screaming. The young man who stood before him began to shake in fear. Hakyeon watched the scene with anger. The question was simple, but the tone of voice that Jung Taekwoon used, had frightened the freshman who did not dare to open his mouth. Hakyeon felt sorry for him. It was not the first time he was attending this kind of show. For three days, Leo and members of the club were amused to humiliate first-year students. Hakyeon could not stand these people and their excessive ego. He wanted so much to teach them a lesson. Yet he was with other students sitting on the floor head down for fear of receiving a punishment. A torn paper noise was heard and Hakyeon looked up. Leo had to tear the cardboard on which was inscribed the name and student number. "If you can not answer a simple question, then you have nothing to do in this university," Leo said. These words set Hakyeon  on fire. He could not stand the actions of these people. He had accepted it during the three days but now he was tired. He raised his hand. "Permission to speak," he said. Ken and Hongbin began to pull on his arm. "You're crazy, forget it, this is not the right time," said Ken trying to control his friend. But Hakyeon was already up and challenged Leo look. "Our emblem is the lion," he said. "Well, and do you know why we chose the lion? "Asked Leo.

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