An Alpha's Twisted Plan

Start from the beginning

"Are you saying ___________?"

"Yes, I lied to you before . . . the pup my sister claims as her own is the only tangible proof of my betrayal of this pack's Luna with Alpha Charlie and my punishment for rejecting him is to never be acknowledged as his mother."

My body shuddered as the pain I had been suppressing hit me all at once.

"He stole my son because I dared to reject him! He ruined any chance I had to be happy because he couldn't stand the fact that I found someone else who loved me enough not to push me after she found out the truth and refused to consider me weak when he forced his own men to rape me in front of her out of jealousy! He claims that boy as his son, but refuses to love him unless I return to his side . . . why does my child have to suffer that monster of an Alpha as a sire?!"

I panted for breath in Luna Joel's arms, once again waiting for him to condemn me.

"Do you still love him?"

"I don't think I ever did. That's why I stayed away, I could see the love shining in Luna Lauren's eyes when she looked at him and I was there when that love became heartbreak and despair as his gaze turned to me. I never wanted that and I pleaded with  him to go back to her. Throughout my heat, in my lucid moments I told him I could never love him, that we should go to her so I could beg for her forgiveness and accept whatever punishment she was willing to give me, but he refused every time and as soon as the heat took me over his manipulation of my body continued. I believe he knew what would happen if I slept with him during my heat, that I would bear his pup and be forced to mate with him . . . Alphas think they're gods who can twist everyone to their whim and punish anyone who won't follow along with their plans."

"How did the Alpha convince  your sister to claim your pup?"

I shook my head, my expression a mixture of sorrow and disgust.

"No one can talk my sister into doing anything she doesn't want to . . . no he came up with a plan, he asked my sister out on a date and while they were at dinner, he slipped something into her drink. From there all he had to do was  convince her that they slept together. She came home the next day with his scent all over her, bragging about scoring with the Alpha and laughing in my face . . . I think she knew from the beginning that he was my mate and was trying to make me jealous, but I was just glad he turned his attention to someone else. Then that night, he called me and mocked the fact that "my stupid slut of a sister actually thought he would have sex with her and risk catching whatever diseases she had". I guess he expected me to agree with him or something, but instead I rejected him then and there and it was the most amazing sensation, Alpha Joel, like a darkness had been removed from my life and things got even better when he pursued things with my sister and left me alone. I was able to focus all of my attention on preparing for my pup. I guess I was so distracted that I let my guard down. A week before the baby was due, I went to a scheduled appointment with the pack's doctor and after checking the baby's health, he gave me some pills, claiming they were vitamins that I needed to strengthen my body for the delivery, but they were really Misoprostol."

I paused at the confused expression on Luna Joel's face and scratched the back of my head sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's a pill used to induce labor."

"He forced you to have your baby early?!"

I closed my eyes as once again the memories overwhelmed me once again.

"For the first three years of my son's life, I blamed myself, convinced that I had  done something wrong to make my son come early and when my sister publicly claimed him as her pup I was too afraid to be anywhere near him to contradict her. I thought whatever was wrong with me would truly cause his death and decided that it would be better to let him go than to take the risk, so I relinquished my rights to him."

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