Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Did you just come to catch up or did you have some sort of business here?"

The Succubus sounded terribly pleased with herself. "You know, I never before considered eating a Vampire. I thought they wouldn't taste very good. At the very least, lack nutrition. But a curious thing happened. Not only did I enjoy you greatly, your life force gave me quite the boost in energy. Almost like the humans and their coffee."

"Fascinating." Katty sounded less than impressed.

"Quite. I think it has to do with the fact that you weren't afraid of me and gave yourself willingly. Took all the taint out of the meal."

"Unfortunately, I'm not going to hand myself over to you again. That was a one time deal under very special circumstances."

"Exactly! An exchange of services. I'd like to propose another deal."

"I don't need or want anything at the moment."

"I don't know about that. I would bet you still want that human. I've got a way for you to keep him."

Katty didn't even hesitate. "My species has it's own way of binding without physical restraints. I don't need any of your tricks." I studied her. It had been a statement of fact, rather than some sort of notion she had been playing with or was using now.

"Ah, but how about if you had him compliant? Responding to your advances instead of pushing you away, giving you the attention you deserve." Katty shook her head and the demons tone darkened. "Then you'll do it to save him. Just like last time."

I wasn't sure what happened then. I just lost it.

When I came back, Katty had me securely and was snarling at the Succubus to leave me alone. That I was hers. I couldn't see anything with her hand over my eyes and her other hand was shaking around my wrist. Then the Succubus changed tactics. She stopped messing with me and started messing with Katty.

Katty trembled. Her entire demeanor changed behind me. Instead of stiff and shaking with angry nerves she was calm and still. She pulled my head back to rest on her shoulder as she listened to the Succubus telling her to kill me.

I protested, making sure to only do so verbally rather than physically. I didn't want to set her off into doing exactly what the demon wanted.

Katty suddenly hissed and snapped her teeth, silencing both me and the Succubus. "Shut up. No one talks about my lover like that. My lover would never betray me. My lover trusts me to take care of them from any who would dare touch them." I shivered as I felt her lips at my throat. I gasped, fear choking me for a moment. Right up until I heard a light purr.

Katty suddenly released me, giving me back my sight so I could watch her stalk across the apartment and up to the demon. I bit my lip when Katty grabbed up the Succubus and bit her. The move surprised the Succubus into revealing her wings, tail, and horns.

I watched them struggle as Katty forced the demon back onto the table and they began to fuck. Or really, Katty began to fuck the demon. She thrust her fingers between the Succubus' legs and into her pussy even as she drank in the demons blood.

I could only watch in stunned confusion. I swallowed as Katty drank the Succubus to death and she dissolved into ash with a scream. Katty stumbled back, drunkenly wiping her hands on her jeans. I caught her before she could hit the floor and she twisted around to grin at me.

"Like I said, nobody messes with my lover. You're mine. Even death himself is going to have to go through me to get to you."

I choked on a laugh as I turned her around. She clung to me tightly. "I thought I had lost you for a minute there."

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