A chance

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Request from 90scarpenter I think I messed it up though I'm so sorry ;w; I know it's not exactly what you requested but if I can,I'll write you another one!

You are sitting under a tree,reading a book. The smell of fresh air and a bit of sunlight is just perfect to read. Suddenly something fell down in front of you.
You screamed,moving away from the thing.

"S-sorry! Don't worry,I'm not going to hurt you!"

A boy falling from the tree? Weirdo. Well,that's what you thought when you first saw him.

He had a white hair with a little bit of black,he's wearing a white leather jacket (his fashion is fab btw) and wow,look at that freckles.

"Uh,what are you doing up there?" You asked,eyeing him suspiciously.

"Nothing just sightseeing! I love looking at Auradon for uh no particular reason! Ishouldnthavesaidthat." He answered as fast as he could.

"Hah,you're lying! Are you going to prank me?"

He quickly wave his hands as if to say no,"No,I'm not! Why would I prank you? There's no reason to do that."

You decided to trust him for now since he looks so desperate.

"Okay...but I know you're lying about the looking part." You crossed your arms,trying to look confident.

"No,I'm not lying. I really was looking at someone." He sighed.

You won't give up that easily,you need to get the answer from him. You know you're being nosy but who cares? There's nothing wrong with being curious.

"There's no one around here."

The boy looked even more scared then blurted something out.

"I was just looking at you! Argh--"

You looked pretty shocked at what you heard,"Excuse me,what?"

The boy quickly looked at you then continued,"I-I'm Carlos De Vil and I always liked you,(y/n). I just followed you around."

"Stalker?!" You said,looking surprised.

Carlos groaned,"No! Anyways, I like you (y/n). I really,really do. So would you please be m--"

"No. I barely know you and I know you're not serious. Good day,Carlos." You quickly bent down to pick your belongings then walked off in a hurry.

"What? Wait! Wait!"

It's probably a joke. No way that guy is going to be serious.
"(Y/n),having a good day? How about going to the cinema after school...okay"
You quickly walked away from Carlos,not giving him an answer.

You opened your locker then saw a mini note on the pack of books. You picked it up then carefully unfold it.

You wanna know whats the best thing in my life? It's the first word of this sentence.
Carlos :)

You crumpled the paper then tossed it into the trashcan.

-2 days later-

"Seriously,I think he really likes you." Said Lonnie,looking at Carlos's and his friends.

You rolled your eyes," Uh-huh"

"He's been trying so hard,(y/n). Just forget about what happened last year okay? Everyone's not like that."

Last year,there was this boy that you've always loved and adored at Auradon. He would always be your friend and talks to you when you really need someone. He acted like he really cared about you and even says that he really loved you,but then the day after he bought all his friends and told you that it was just a prank. No real feelings blah blah. It was like a big scar in your heart then.

"Who knows?" You mumbled,trying to push away the memories.

"Give him a chance (y/n). I swear this guy is different. He can definitely treat you better than that guy." Said Lonnie,looking confident.

Give him a chance...

"And let's be honest. You think he's pretty adorable,don't you?" Lonnie grins.

"What are you saying,Lonnie!"

She raised her eyebrow,giving you a look.

You sighed then answered,"Yes...he's adorable."

Just then you saw Carlos walking toward your table,holding a huge rose bouquet.

Woah...you gotta be kidding me aren't ya?

Lonnie quickly turned to you,looking excited. She put her hands on your shoulder,giving you a meaningful look, "Give him a chance,trust me." She mouthed.

"(Y/n),I just want to give you this." Said Carlos,handing you the rose bouquet.

You sat there,your mouth slightly open.Lonnie nudged your arm,bringing you back to reality.

"Oh uh,thanks..." You reached for the bouquet then place it on your lap.

What happened next left you more shock than this one. Carlos stepped onto the table then shouted,

"(Y/N), I know I'm not the perfect guy and I would probably make a thousand mistakes but I really want to be the one for you. I mean it,I really do...so please,would you be my girlfriend?" The entire cafeteria turned quiet after that.

You eyes widened with shock and of course, your face is all red and hot.

You remembered Lonnie's word which is now floating in your head. She's right. Carlos is different. He'll never treat you like that guy. You need to give him a chance.

Give him a chance (y/n)!


A/N: I'm so sorry for this slow update! Hopefully I can write more this week! This chapter is kinda rushed and weird (it probably happens on every chapter -3-) also I got the cafeteria confession idea from High school musical haha😂Thank you for r...

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A/N: I'm so sorry for this slow update! Hopefully I can write more this week! This chapter is kinda rushed and weird (it probably happens on every chapter -3-) also I got the cafeteria confession idea from High school musical haha😂
Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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Carlos De Vil x Reader Oneshots//Descendants Where stories live. Discover now