Festival date?|pt.1|

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(s/c)=Skin color
You are sitting at the school cafeteria,finishing up your school work that has to be sent soon.

"Good morning (y/n)."

You looked up at the owner of the voice and smiled.

"Morning Carlos,have you been sleeping last night?" You asked,looking at the bags under his eyes.

The answer he gave you is a big yawn before sitting down beside you.You shake your head and continue cutting out colorful papers for your work.

Probably playing games till 3 AM again.I think I'll need to have a word with Jay.

"What's this for?" He picked one of the papers up.

"It's for the art club.They want to bring these to decorate the school's festival."

His eyebrows went up at the mention of school festival,"Festival? Are we invited? I mean,the VKs."

"Of course you are!Everyone will be there.It's going to be so much fun."

The school festival is one of the reasons you love Auradon prep so much! It's a festival where most people all over Auradon are invited to the school.There will be shows,game booths and lots of fun activities.You heard that there's going to be a play performing this year as well.

"Who are you going with?" He asked,looking at your (s/c) skin hands fiddling with the papers.

You turned to him and answered,"Well,Chad invited me to go with him."

"And your answer is?"

"I told him that I'll think about it." You shrugged.

"Cool,so can you go to the festival with me then? He grinned,fiddling with the piece of papers in his hand.

"Are you sure you don't want to go on a date with Jane?" You grinned back at him.

"She's a friend (y/n)." He pushed your shoulders gently,smiling.

"What am I to you then?" You blurted out.

Big mistake (y/n)! He's going to think I'm weird! Is there any kind of hole around here?

"Forget I asked that." You quickly brush it off before things get awkward.

He smiled and moved closer to you until your shoulders touched.

"You're more than a friend (y/n),much more than that.I have this strong feelings for you and believe me,I don't really get this kind of feelings with anyone.You're special..." Carlos then drifted off,his head on your shoulder.

You smiled happily and pinched his nose,"Guess I'll have to go with you then."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter guys! There will be second part for this one ;) It'll be about the festival yippee!!
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Thank you!💕

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