I'll kiss you

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"What cha doing?"

You decided to come to Carlos's room today since you have nothing to do.
You closed the door then walked towards him.

Carlos is currently swinging his arms around,focusing on the TV.He's playing this new game that everyone is talking about lately.

Auradon Edge

It's about a prince helping the kingdom with his parkour skills or something.

"You should try this out (y/n),it's pretty cool." He closed the TV then walk towards you,still catching his breath.

"Seems pretty cool but maybe later." You smiled,then sat on the couch.

He sat beside you,"Want to watch something?"

"Sure,just choose whatever you like I guess."

He opened the drawers and picked out some movies.

"Action movies? Auradon edge the movie!"

"They have a movie?!" You said,looking surprised. To be honest you were more into romance films but since he looks so excited,you decide to go along with it.

Carlos inserted the disc into the player and head back to the couch.

"You gotta see the moment he jumps from the rooftop (y/n)! That was something!"

The film went on and on until it ends.It was a good movie...that made you slept twice,even at the action scenes.On the other hand,Carlos seems pretty hyped about the movie.He keeps going on and on about the protagonist.

"The moment be did that jump and the fire went pass him that was so cool! And oh,went he jumped down from the buil-"

You moved in and place your lips on him.It was a long kiss and he kissed you back.The moment you parted lips,he was grinning at you,his cheeks red.

"I didn't see that coming."

You chuckled,"Now stop talking about that game and maybe about something else?"

"What if I don't?" He asked you,smirking.

"I'll kiss you again." You said,grinning.

His eyebrows went up,"then I'll talk about it forver then.

"Seriously?" You laughed and peck his lips gently.


A/N:This is very short but I hope you like it! Thank you so much for reading! Votes and comments would be lovely!

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