Truth or Dare #13... but not really

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In the Nether
Zenix: Following Zeke's idea... True Love mustn't be kept a part darling~
Kateyln: Um... mustn't? darling? Where did this language come from?
Zenix: ..... romance movies
Kateyln: ..... you suck
Zeke: ZENIX?!
Zenix: hey Zeke
Zeke: who is she
Kateyln: wow, you Nether people are really bad at everything huh
Me: Kateyln... is that appears next to Zeke
Kateyln: WOLFIE!!
Zeke: hmph... if the girl makes Wolfie happy she may stay with us
Zenix: Pfft... that was happening anyway
Kateyln and Wolfie hug for a long time
the boys leave
Me: We need to find a way out....
Kateyln: I don t think I can stand being in this place much longer....
Me: Agreed
Kateyln: Why do they want us?
Me: "True Love", wives, ruling the Nether together, maybe even for company
Me: same here-
Zeke: Time to eat
Kateyln: .....
Me: ......
Zenix: grabs us and pulls us to the table
Kateyln: I hate you both
Zenix: You hated Travis at first too
Kateyln: no I didn't
Me: no she didn't.... she TOTALLY liked him but didn't know how to show her emotions
Kateyln: and now I do.... and i'm angry
Me: and you don't like Katelyn when she's angry....😂
Kateyln: Turns to her Jury of Nine form
Me: Turns full Wolf
The girls: LET US GO
Zeke: I'm afraid we can't do that....
Kateyln: I'm pregnant
Zenix: ......

AHAHAHA sorry... back to the story

Kateyln: So you're willing to be 'with me' but having a Travlyn baby running around and asking... "Where's my REAL dad?"
Zenix: ......
Zeke: Dude your plan was flawed
Kateyln: hm?
Zenix: ..... if it means I still have my True Love
Zeke: You will stop talking Wolfie... i'm getting quite impatient with your temper
Kateyln: will you boys QUIT TALKING LIKE OLD ENGLISH MEN?!
Me: Honestly it's sooooo annoying
Zeke: Go to your room Wolfie
Me: No... I am a free, independent woman who doesn't take orders from idiotic shadow knights or ANYONE I DONT WANT TO!! So i august you LET ME AND KATEYLN GO BEFORE WE BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA YOU!
Zenix: She does have quite the temper
Zeke: I know sometimes it really cut-
The boys: awww~💚
Kateyln: smacks them both Quit it.... you're both disgusting, come on Wolfie...
Me: I will NEVER love you
Zeke: When Im the only one to love you WILL love me... I know it
Truth or Dare
Laurence: hey guys
Travis: .....
Aphmau: ......
Cadenza: ......
Aaron: look guys, Lucinda said if we
don't play we'll never see them again
Garroth: But we already know that we aren't gonna see them anyway
Dante: I have an Idea Laurence Truth or Dare?
Laurence: dude... now is not the time
Nicole: Laurence just do it.... I know what he's doing, it might work
Laurence: Dare
Dante: I dare you to go into the Nether Cough and save Wolfie and Kateyln Cough You can bring 3 other people
Laurence: .......
Travis: I'm coming with you, and i'm not taking No for an answer.... they took Kateyln I am getting my revenge
Aphmau: I'm coming too, they're my friends and I want to help them like they helped me
Cadenza: ok so Laurence, Travis & Aphmau
Laurence: .....
Aphmau: Laurence what's wrong?
Travis: ya you're never this quiet
Laurence: it's just....the Nether.... bad memories, Shadow Knight feelings, ya know
Travis: I understand... it brings out the bad in all of is
Aphmau: You'll be fine, remember... Wolfie
Laurence: sorry I just-
Garroth: Bro, we understand... just bring them back safe
Travis: Heh...ya know, they won't want us saving them... I mean they're strong and might feel that they're pride has been hurt etc etc.
Aphmau: They'll get over it, they just wanna be out of the Nether
Laurence: yeah... let's go
In the Nether
Laurence: wow... this place has changed
Aphmau: look, that's probably where they are
Travis: geez could they make it more obvious?!
Laurence: it is the tallest place.... on a hill
Aphmau: well it just makes it easier in us
Laurence: ok hurry up, i want to find them as soon as possible
They change into their "forms"
Aphmau: Irene/lady w/wings (don't judge)
Laurence: Shadow Knight
Travis: Demon Warlock
Nether Fortress (where Kate & Wolf are)
Katelyn: All they have are shadow knight forms right?
Me: as far as I know....
Katelyn: good, we can overpower some idiotic Shadow Knights without any issues
Me: As our "forms" right
Katelyn: right, we just need to-
Zeke: Girls, downstairs now
Me: ugh I swear to Irene....
Katelyn: I know, but just go with it
Kateyln: what do you want?
Zenix: To take you out to dinner of course!
Zeke: What do you think we are savages
Me: Pfft obviously not, have you heard yourselves?!
Kateyln: AYYYY
They high five
Kateyln: WE are savages
Zeke: anyway, come on we have reservations
Me: Do we have to dress up
Zenix: Is that even a question
Kateyln: so no then?
Zeke: yes you have to dress up!
Kateyln & me: UGHHHHH

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