I fell asleep watching him flip through the pages of the book.


When I woke up again my head was pounding and visions were flashing before my eyes. I saw myself in the woods, and Allie was there too, but in her wolf form. I remember fighting her, but I could tell I was still missing some of the memory. I knew there had to be a reason why I was fighting Allie, I wouldn't have wanted to hurt her, and I don't think she would have wanted to hurt me.

Looking around the room the lights were off, and it was dark outside. I'm guessing it was late, and Kieran was nowhere to be found. The tray of food that had been on the nightstand was still there, but I knew it was probably cold by now I wasn't feeling very hungry.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I pulled myself out from underneath the warm covers. The air was cold as it hit my bare arms and legs. I was just wearing an over sized t-shirt that I'm guessing was Kieran's by the smell, it smelled strongly of him. I don't really know who had put the shirt on me, but that didn't really worry me. I knew Kieran was to much of a gentleman to do that so I'm guessing he had one of the girls from the pack put it on me.

I looked out into the hallway as I opened the door, and peered into the hallway. Nobody was round and the house was quiet which told me that it was definitely late out night. The only people who were up at this time would be people who couldn't sleep, or the people controlling the borders. As I made my way to the steps I could hear the sound of movement at the bottom of the steps. It wasn't very loud and I almost missed it as I walked down the steps.

It was coming from the kitchen when I stepped to the bottom of the stairs, following the noise I made my way to the kitchen doorway. Catching sight of Kieran sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. Kieran's beta was in the kitchen with him making a cup of coffee, which was most likely the noise I was hearing as he tried to figure out why the coffee maker wouldn't spit out the drink.

"You might want to actually turn the coffee maker on," I said as I made myself known and stepped to the kitchen. Kieran jumped and turned to look at me in surprise before a smile covered his face. A folder was sitting open in front of him, and he'd been reading it when I came in. His beta just looked at me before turning back to the coffee maker and turning it on. Soon the smell of coffee filled the kitchen as brewed inside the pot. A minute later he was pouring himself a cup and joining Kieran and me at the table.

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked them as I tried to catch what was on the paper in the folder.

"Just going over some pack information, trying to figure out a new border rotation. We're hoping that maybe putting more people on the border will keep anybody unknown from getting in. But it depends on who we're dealing with, considering this time they'd gotten in without anybody knowing."

"She used magic," I said remembering as I'd watched the lady disappear into thin air.

"Do you remember what happened?" Kieran asked me reaching to grab my hand on the table to comfort me. I pulled my hand away, not wanting him to comfort me right now. I wasn't a fragile doll, I wasn't going to break at the slightest memory, but he kept treating me like I was.

"Just flashes, they don't really make sense. They go by to fast, and I still feel like I'm missing to much to actually put the pieces together. I remember before I fell unconscious I watched her disappear, it was almost like she disappeared into thin air. One moment she was there, and the next she was gone. She'd said something before she left though. I can see her lips moving, but I don't remember what she said. It was some type of message."

"Well let us know as soon as you remember anything else, we'll need as much information about what happened as we can get," the beta said as he grabbed the paper from Kieran and started looking over it. I felt like he knew I was lying. After all I'd fought his mate in the forest, I'd almost killed her. I remember that much, but I don't think Kieran needed to know that. It would just cause more problems than solving anything. He'd want to find out what Allie had been doing working for the people coming after me.

I don't think she had control over what she was doing, not until she'd submitted and realized that I was the person on top of her. I remember fighting my wolf to stop her from going in the for the kill, I knew she wouldn't to. I was able to feel the blood lust running through our veins at the time. The she-wolf had challenged us, and my wolf hadn't taken it lightly. She didn't care if she'd done it of her own knowledge or not, she had been out for blood, and I'd barely been able to stop her.

"Do you want something to eat now that you're up?" Kieran said, I pulled my attention away from his beta and turned to look at him. He was looking at me expectantly, I gave him a small smile and nodded. He returned the smile before getting up and walking over to the other side of the kitchen and started getting ready to cook. I turned to look at his beta again, and saw that his eyes were already on me.

I leaned close to him till I knew that if I spoke Kieran wouldn't hear me. "You know what happened don't you? Well at least part of it. I remember Allie was there, I'm guessing she told you. I don't remember why she was there, but I know I fought her and I almost hurt her. I'm not going to tell Kieran it was her, it would just cause problems. Let her know that I didn't mean what happened. My wolf had control and I wasn't able to fight her until the very end." I leaned away from him, pleading with my eyes for him to understand.

He stared at me for second searching my face, I think he was trying to see if I was lying about anything I'd said. I hoped that he could see on my face that everything I'd said was the truth, and that I was actually sorry for what I'd to Allie, and what my wolf had almost done.

He nodded, offering me a small smile as Kieran walked over and put a plate of pancakes in front of me. I turned to smile at him, and looked down at my plate of food as he went to get me something to drink. I felt something nudged my leg, and when I looked up I realized it was Jonah trying to get my attention. When I looked at him he mouthed a silent "thank you" before going back to the paperwork in front of him. I smiled and dug into the food on my plate, glad that Jonah had accepted what I'd said.   


Okay guys I know that I'm really far behind on this story, and I promise that I'm going to make that up. Tomorrow after school I'm going to sit down and write, and I'm really not going to stop until after my doctors appointment. 

I've also got something to tell you guys in case I get kind of behind in this story at the end of the month and don't end up finishing.

The week after Thanksgiving I'm going to be going to the doctors to get an MRI done on my hip, because for the last month and a half I've had really bad hip pain, and a couple of weeks ago I went in to get it looked it. They said that I might have a labral ligament tear in my hip, and if my MRI confirms it the week after Thanksgiving I might have to get surgery. If I do have to get surgery I don't know when it's going to be. It could be pretty soon after my MRI so if that happens I might not end up finishing this story, or reaching the goal of 50,000 words. 

Also the recovery time for a labral ligament tear in a hip is four to six months before I get back to normal activities like running and stuff, which is going to suck because I'm signed up for my schools basketball cheer leading team, and I might go out for soccer in the spring and I'm don't know if I'm going to be ready in time. Plus I'm one of those people that hates to just be sitting around, and if I have the surgery I won't be able to do a whole lot, don't even know if I'm going to be able to work.

Plus I'm also really freaking out about what my results might be, because I don't want to have to have surgery, because I've never really had surgery before. So I'm freaking out a little bit. So I hope that you guys will be supportive, not that you guys aren't, and I look forward to finishing this story for you guys. I just don't know when that will be with everything that is going on.

Anyway sorry for the really long Authors Note, let me know what you think of the chapter.

Song of the chapter is So Cold by Ben Cocks, go ahead and give it a listen at the top of the chapter.







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