Imagine 22; bitter coffee (2)

Start from the beginning

You felt really angry-sad at the same time.. you looked at her face and a tear escaped your eyes. Her eyes turned soft when looking at you..

Jungkook stood up still holding his right cheek, "Y/n.." his girlfriend threw your arms harshly, "Look who we have here, the two people who likes each other behind my back. Well there you g--"

I cut her by saying, "I never said i like him, he's my best friend. He deserves to be with you.. don't leave him and spend the rest of your life loving him, caring for him, supporting him, and cherish the moments you have together. You two are meant to be, don't break your relationship because later on the day you'll regret it.."

Lots tears were already spilling out of your eyes, her expression turned like she also wanted to cry. You turned your head to Jungkook, he also had tears. You weakly smiled and went up to him, you hugged him so tight you didn't want to let go, but you have to.

You tip-toed and whispered in his ears, "Don't let go of her because you know that she's the one, letting her go would be heart breaking.. i can relate. But Jungkook, this isn't a farewell.. i'll still be your dorky best friend.. who can never find a guy like you. I do have feelings for you but lets just keep it this way as.. best friends so none of us would get hurt.. okay?"

I broke the hug and ran away, "Y/n! Y/n! Wait!!" You ran as fast as you can.. not stopping. You went in your house and cried A. Lot.

You never knew you'd confess this way..


2 years later..

"Stop. That tickles!"

Your boyfriend tickled your feet since you were kicking him to get water. "I'll stop if you stop kicking me okay?" You nod your head and stood up to get water for yourself instead. "By the way i opened my mails today, your is on the table!" He shouted from the living room.

You walked up to the table and got the mails, you scanned it just finding lots of bills, you sighed and found the last letter. It was from someone, it was also hand written..

To Y/n,


I don't really know how to start this letter but, me and Younhee is getting married! You're okay with it right? Of course you're okay with it.. you wanted me to stay with her and to cherish her.. i'll do that for you..

I kept your words..

The day in the cafe was unforgettable, you said you liked me.. finally! I also liked you before but since i'm getting married lets start over again as best friends who never have feelings for each other okay?

Anyways, come to the wedding.. i want to see you there.. please?


You smiled and shouted, "Babe! Were going somewhere tomorrow! Get your suit ready!"


"You may kiss the bride.."

Jungkook held Younhee's back while he held her chin to kiss her, "You okay?" Your boyfriend asks you, he knew that you still had little feelings for him, you had to tell your boyfriend what was bothering you when you first dated, he understands. But he still loves you and you love him.

They broke the kiss and looked at every one in the room, we all clapped and cheered. I'm very happy for him.. i went to the food buffet and ate a lot. You wanted to talk to Jungkook but everyone else was surrounding him.

You waited until everyone went back to their seats to watch the newlyweds dance. You were about to tear up but suddenly..

The music stopped and everyone started whispering, you got confused and looked at Younhee, she winked at you.. what the heck is going on? She got the mic and said, "Today we have a very special guest! She' really special to the both of us.. without her we wouldn't be here.. please give a round of applause to, Y/n."

I stood up and bowed, "May we have you and Jungkook to dance?" She said which made you look at your boyfriend he allowed you by nodding, you smiled and made your way to Jungkook.

He had the most widest smile ever, "Hi." Both of you harmonised, you started to awkwardly laugh which made him laugh. He held your hands tight and danced.. it was slow but you will cherish this moment with him.

"How was life without me?" He said, "Good. Yours?" He chuckled and bit his lips, "Good. I heard you have a boyfriend.." i nodded and blushed, "He better treat you right or i would kill him using my hands." You grabbed his nose and playfully swayed it side to side.

"You're not going to kill him because he's treating me right.. i love him." You gulped saying the last part, when you said that he had a frown but he smiled it off quickly.. "I love Younhee too. She's the best." Jungkook said which made your heart beat but covered the pain by smiling.

"That's good.." the music stopped and both of you stared into each others, you didn't want to look away but you had to. He hugged you and whispers in your ears.

"You will always be my first love.." he pulled away and smiled, "See you around." With that, he left you with shocked eyes.


This is part 2 from the imagine 2

Sad ending i know! Sorry.. :)

1561 words

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