82 // i love you most

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i hope you choose to love,
deeply, passionately,
every inkling of your soul
dripping onto everyone you
seize to acknowledge until
you've found pieces of yourself
in some part of their being.

i hope,
the first time your beating heart shatters,
that you remember
the absence of another's love
should never equate to
the absence of your own,
just as the sun never stops
shining even when we
shield our eyes
with our fingers,
only taking glimpses
when she is necessary to see.

and i hope you never forget
to save some of that love for yourself,
that you look in the mirror,
at your skin and flaws,
and smile at the person in front of you,
thinking " i love you most."

Specks Of Stardust #Wattys2015जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें