47 // Flames

38 6 0


I wish you knew

that the slightest interaction from you

sparks a fire inside me.

I wish you knew

that you're a flame,

burning me whenever

your eyes meet mine

for a split second.

I am water,

but I'm not so sure

I can outgrow the riot

you stirred in me.

I'm not so sure I want to,


Hi guys :) I just wanted to thank you all for the tremendous amount of support this book has gotten throughout the past month! It's currently #86 in Poetry, AND OH MY GOSH WHEN I SAW IT I LITERALLY DIED BECAUSE THAT'S SO INSANE. And it's all thanks to you lovely people so thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whether you've read one or all of my poems, thank you. You mean the world to me.

Stay Beautiful,

Charlene <3

Specks Of Stardust #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now