"Nico?" Will called out softly, but there was no answer, He expected as much, but he wanted to try anyways.

Nico heard Will, but ignored him. He wasn't supposed to let that slip, ever. The only person who knew was Hazel. Though, he was sure Hazel had probably mentioned it to Frank at some point because that was how relationships worked.

He still didn't want to face Will ever again. He didn't want Will to treat him differently or walk on eggshells around him. He liked being treated like he was normal, and now that was done because he had to go and open his big mouth.

He couldn't tell if the nausea he felt was because of his confession or if it was just actual nausea. Nope. Actual nausea. Nico ran to the bathroom again. Will heard him and came out with a glass of water.

"Look." Will said as he handed Nico the water to get rid of the taste. "I don't care. If you ever need to talk to someone, you can always come to me, but frankly I don't see why this should affect our relationship. We live together, and I really don't want us not speaking again." Will held out his hand in peace.

Nico silently nodded, then grabbed his hand, shaking it. "Thanks."

"So, were you planning on getting any sleep today?" Will asked Nico, and at the shake of his head, he smiled. "Great! Because I just got a video game and seeing as how your sick, I can totally kick your ass at it. You game?"

"Prepare to lose, Solace." Nico retorted. They headed to the living room and Nico wrapped himself up in the blanket, feeling really cold despite his fever and waited as Will set up the console.

Will tossed a controller at Nico's face, which he barely caught and started the game. "Will!" Nico shouted as Will stabbed him. "We are on the same team!"

"Wait, we are?" Will was confused.

"Well seeing as how you have a red band and I have a red band, yes! We are on the same team." Nico muttered something in Italian as he shot a few people.

"Not my fault you were just standing there looking like an easy target." Will defended himself, going around and stabbing whoever he pleased. Nico just kicked him off the couch and Will landed on the floor with a thud. "Oi!"

"Trade weapons with me." Nico demanded, standing in front of Will's character with the gun to his chest. Will dropped the sword and Nico traded. And then stabbed Will.

"Did you actually just kill me? Why didn't you just shoot me?" Will whined. "It sword of seems like you have a problem with me."

"Knives are more personal." Nico shrugged before completing the level, completely ignoring the pun. And that was how Reyna found them when she came home, arguing loudly but harmlessly while they sat in front of the telly, controllers in hand.

- - - - -

"So umm." Will started hesitantly. "I may or may not have brought someone home with me?" A small meow came from the inside of his coat. Reyna paused the game. Will had left to go pick up supper and Nico and Reyna were playing the game.

"Where on earth did you find a cat?" Nico asked, but not at all surprised that she had done this.

"Well, you see, it's actually a funny story." Will avoided his question.

"You can't keep it. No pets in the building." Nico said, but the kitten popped its head out from Will's jacket, and combined with the look on Will's face, his resolve melted away and he sighed. "Fine, but I am not going anywhere near the litter box, and it is not my responsibility."

"You hear that Nyx?" Will said to the cat. "He said you can stay!"

"You look like an idiot." Nico deadpanned, rolling his eyes. "And what sort of name is Nyx?"

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