奇妙な表情 (Odd Look)

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Obviously Aiko was used to get to Abel. Anything with a vagina could get to Abel and it hurt me to even think that. But Aiko must've went against her boss for her to end up like she did ... And Valerie? Dragged in because of Abel too? But the question was why? What the hell does she want with Abel? Or me? Or Valerie? Why is she deciding to come back into our lives? 

"Babe?" Abel looked at me, a concerned look on his face. I forgot he was even in the room. "Who was that man?"

I sighed. "She's a woman. That's what she's been referred to ever since I could remember. Lauren", the name leaving a vile taste on my tongue, "lived in the neighborhood Valerie and I grew up in. She gave everyone money, candy, gifts ... especially Valerie. She knew of Val's situation. At first it was innocent you know? Then I noticed a change in Val. Coming home late ... partying more ... staying over at Lauren's house ... Valerie wasn't herself. One night I followed her and ... and she was having sex with some bum ass nigga! For coke Abel! Coke! And you know who she gave the coke to? Lauren! She was making her work. And she was only 12!"

I started to choke up. I couldn't help but think if I told someone, if I let our parents know then maybe, maybe they would have some pity on her and treat her a bit better, or let her move in with our grandparents. But I was scared. If I told and Lauren found out what would be of me? Or if Val was to hold a grudge against me because she enjoyed doing what she was doing?

"Hey hey. It's not your fault. Val just thought it was right because her parents treated her like shit. She didn't know. It's not your fault or hers." Abel tried to soothe me but he wasn't helping. Mostly because I needed answers out of him so I could figure out why did this happen.

I knew Abel would want to take matters into his own hands, or blood in his hands because I knew he would want revenge, but I wanted to do this. He knew nothing about Lauren. I knew more, and Valerie knew the most about her. And since Val most definitely won't talk to Abel, it would be just her and I.

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