Chapter 10- Love At First Sight, If That Exists At All

Start from the beginning

"Nat?" I yelled as I walked around the house with no sign of her. I know she's here, I saw her car parked in the garage, but where could she be?

I walked up to her room and knocked a couple times, and still no answer. So I barged in to find Natalie laying on her bed crying. I quickly rush over to her bed and sit next to her and wrap my best friend in my arms.

"Nat I'm here now, it's okay" I said as I patted her back trying to calm her down.

"What's wrong?" I finally ask as Natalie finally started to calm down. "Drew and I broke up" she said as she hugged me tightly.

Drew was her on and off boyfriend but I could tell that this time it was done for sure. They've been seeing each other since last year and I thought they made a cute couple, but Drew could use a little work on his attitude.

"Awh hun I'm so sorry" I said but that was about it before Natalie started talking again. "I saw him kiss some skanky blonde today" she said as she let go of me to grabbed some tissues.

"Drew's an asshole, he didn't deserve you at all. You deserve someone who's commit ed to you, and cares just as much as you care for them. Be glad you caught him now, I mean with a guy like him who knows what else he could've done" I said which got a smile out of Natalie.

"Thanks Maddie, you really are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for" she said and hugged me one last time as she got off the bed.

"I know, and I think this news I've got for you might keep me there for a while" I said and gave her a big smile.

"The guys asked if I wanted to sit with them and Coach Q behind the benches, and they said you could come with me!" I said as I was soon attacked with a big hug.

"Oh my gosh Maddie this is great news! Ah I've got to get ready!" she said as she ran off to her closet to pick out which jersey she'd wear. I let out a chuckle before leaving her room to let her get ready.

~2 hours later~

It was 4pm and gates open in an hour, luckily for us we lived only 20 minutes away from the UC so we can make it there and get a parking spot before all the spots are taken.

I was all dressed, I had on a pair of black skinny jeans with my Andrew Shaw home jersey, with a pair of black converses. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs to do some last minute touches to my hair and make up.

5 minutes later I finished and stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Natalie. "Natalie c'mon I wanna get there before all the parking spots are taken!" I yelled and in a matter of seconds I heard her door open and saw her run down the stairs.

I looked her up and down to see she had on a dark wash skinny jeans, a Leddy home jersey, and her red converse. She was also wearing Hawks beanie and had her purse with her as well. I figured she chose to wear the beanie so she wouldn't have to fix her hair.

I smiled before linking arms with her. "Well, lets get going!" I say just before we break into laughter and head into Natalie's car.

"Haven't seen you in a Leddy jersey in a while" I teased, which was true. Natalie only wore her Leddy jersey on special occasions. "Yeah, well I felt like wearing it tonight" she said as I noticed she was blushing. I didn't want to point it out so I just nodded my head and kept that to myself.

We arrived in 20 about 20 minutes just like I said we would, and of course since were here so early there were still lots of parking spots available.

Once Natalie parked the car we grabbed our purses and linked arms again as we walked into the players entrance to the UC.

Once we got there a security guard stopped us. "Excuse me where do you two think you're going?" he asked as he stuck his hand out shielding the door. Ugh I hate security guards.

"I'm Maddie Clark, Andrew Shaw's girlfriend. And this is my friend Natalie Carter, I was allowed to bring along a guest." I explained as I saw the guard check over a list he had in his hand. "You're on the list, sorry about that. We get a lot of fans trying to sneak in here and I just wanted to make sure you weren't one of them" he said before opening the door and letting us in. Natalie and I both said our thank you's before we walked through.

"C'mon down here" I said as I grabbed Natalie's hand and lead her over to the locker room. Andrew texted me earlier saying that he and a couple others would be here already so we wouldn't have to wait alone.

We stopped right in front of the locker room door and I was about to open it until Natalie grabbed my hand. "I'm scared" she said as she let go of my hand. I turned to face her and smiled. "There's nothing to be scared of, they're all really nice and you'll get along well with them." I said reassuring her before I opened the door and walking in first.

I turned around and saw Natalie followed me in as well. I grabbed her hand and literally had to drag her over to where Andrew and the others were. I took a quick look and saw Andrew, Kaner, Bollig and Leddy.

I smiled as I went over to greet them with Natalie by my side. "Hey guys, this is my best friend Natalie" I said as I moved aside and gave Natalie a little push.

I may have accidentally pushed too hard cause Natalie stumbled onto Leddy's lap. The guys started laughing and so did I as I looked over at the 2 and noticed they were both blushing. Then I watched as Natalie awkwardly got off Nick's lap and sat next to him.

"Sorry" she said as she smiled and turned to face the rest of us.

"C'mon Andrew I wanna show you something" I said as I pulled him up with me. He gave me a confused look at first but then I rolled my eyes at Natalie and Leddy and he caught on pretty quickly.

Natalie's POV:

After Maddie and Andrew left it was only about a good 5 minutes before Bollig and Kaner made up some lame excuse to leave. I knew what was going here, they're trying to set me up with Nick Leddy.

When it was just the two of us in the room I decided to break the silence since it was a little too awkward here. "Hey I was wondering if you could show me a couple of your stick and puck bounces? I hear you're the most creative" I said and smiled.

Nick's smile matched mine as he grabbed my hand and took me into another room. He then left me there and came back with 2 pucks and 2 sticks. He handed me a puck and stick then stood directly in front of me. "Learn from the master" he teased as he started bouncing the puck on his stick.

He did a couple normal bounces, then he did a few in between his legs, one all around his body, and even a couple right above his head. He ended off with a couple wall bounces until the puck finally hit the floor.

I laughed while watching him bounce that puck all around the room. "Oh you think it's funny eh? I'd like to see you do better" he smirked and that's when I stopped laughing and got the puck and stick ready.

I started doing a couple normal bounces but the puck kept falling after at the most, 3 bounces. Nick started laughing but then I gave him a little death glare and he stopped. "Here let me help" he said as he wrapped his arms around me and helped me bounce the puck a couple times.

We stayed like this for a couple minutes and it was pretty comforting with his arms around me. Then he untangled himself from me and let me try a couple by myself.

Surprisingly the puck didn't fall on the floor until about 50 bounces. "Well I guess you're a pretty good teacher" I said as I picked up my puck and started heading back to the locker room. "Well what can I say, I am the master" he joked as I elbowed his chest.

We were laughing and having a pretty good time, and as we walked back into the locker room I saw the eyes of about 26 players and a smirking Maddie. I looked up at the clock and didn't realize Nick and I had been gone for half an hour.

"Well it was fun hanging out with ya" Nick said before he walked over to his stall. I smiled after him as I joined Maddie and Andrew.

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face!" I said to Maddie as I began to blush. "Fine, lets go get some food" Maddie said as she linked arms with me lead me out of the locker room.

"So you and Leddy eh?" Maddie smirked as we walked up to a vending machine. "Shut up!" I said as I bought a bag of pretzels and diet coke. "Fine, but I think he's in to you" Maddie said as she bought a bag of Doritos and walked back to the locker rooms.

I stood there for a couple moments longer thinking about what Maddie just said before I rushed over to catch up with her.

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