NekoNightwing II

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Indeed Wally had a tail. An orange bushy kitty tail nonetheless. Matching feline ears protruded from his messy red hair giving him an ally cat look. Selena called Wally's parents and told them he was going to spend the night there. Why or how Selena knew how to deal with sudden cases of Nekonism was a mystery, not that Bruce was complaing. He really did not want to explain why his eldest son had cats ears and a tail. His wife was quick to reassure him there was a way to reverse the effect, but until then Bruce had to deal with Dick and Wally.

"It's mine!" (¯︶¯) Dick said, laying on the ball of yarn.

"Give it!" o>_<o Wally growled, flicking his tail around angrily.

"No!"  ̄0 ̄

"Wah!" (╯_╰) Wally pretended to cry as he curled up on the floor.

"Dude, are you crying?!" Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

"I WANT THE YARN!" ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ Wally shouted, burying his face in the carpet.

"Geez. Fine, take it."  ̄︿ ̄

"YAY!" ↖(^▽^)↗ Wally cheered, snatching the ball of yarn away.
Dick grumbled and jumped into the couch. Fishing out the television remote from between the couch cushions, Dick turned on the T. V.

"MY LITTLE PONY!" (*^﹏^*) Dick cheered happily.

"O-M-Goodness! That's like so my favorite!" └(^o^)┘ Wally gasped, jumping on the couch beside Dick.

"AH-HAH!" Dick shouted triumphantly as he pounced on the ball of yarn.
Before Wally could react a shrill scream from upstairs pierced the air. . .

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