Episode Four

2.9K 74 13

Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Holiday Inn
0100 a.m., Eastern Time

Several wrong turns, a damaged GPS and four cranky boys later found the Batmobile thieves at a Holiday Inn. Damian yawned loudly as he climbed out of the Batmobile walking in a wobbly line. Tim followed him to the back of the vehicle and opened it up. Dick still had duct tape around him, but had some how managed to fall asleep with his head resting in Jason's lap. Jason was asleep with his head on Dick's shoulder drooling long strands that reached the floor. Damian made a disgusted sound before turning around and walked to the entrance of the hotel. Tim groaned as he looked at his two older brothers, unsure what he should do with them. Pulling out his staff he poked Jason in the head a couple time to wake the older boy up, but Jason just snored loudly with each poke. Grumbling, Tim collapsed his staff and began undoing the duct tape on his eldest brother. Dick stirred a bit as Tim removed the duct tape around him. Tim hesitated when he reached for the piece of tape over Dick's mouth.

"Wait!" Damian exclaimed behind him. "I want to do it!"

The last part he said with too much glee for Tim's comfort, but he stepped aside and let Damian rip off the last of the duct tape.

"OOOOW!" Dick screamed as he jerked his head up colliding with Jason's. Dick held a hand over his mouth and the other over his head. Jason didn't wake up despite being hit in the head or his head smacking the armrest. Damian laughed at the site. Tim felt a little bad for his eldest brother when he found out his shoulder and hair was covered in drool.

"Eeew." Dick whimpered as he touched the back of his suit and felt slimy drool. He glared down at Jason for a second before unbuckling him and shoving him out of the Batmobile. Jason flopped on the ground and didn't move for a moment. Presently he shot up and looked around bleary eyed.

"Wha?" Jason muttered. He went to rub the side his face, but found a river of drool. Jason unintentionally flicked it off his hand in Dick's direction. A string of drool smacked Dick in the mouth, luckily for him it was closed. Hearing a muffled squeak the three boys looked over at Dick and saw him hitting the armrests, then they realized what was wrong. Dick leaped out of his seat and jumped up in down in the parking lot making whimpering and muffled shouts. His three brothers burst into laughter as they watch Dick jump around like a girl who missed the shoe sale at the mall. Dick stopped and turned to face the other boys. His face was screwed up in a furious frown, his eye twitched and he held his hands up like claws. Damian pulled out his camera and snapped a quick picture, laughing evilly. Dick growled and dragged his arm across his mouth hard. He dug around in the compartments in his gloves and pulled out some mouthwash. After the mouthwash came the toothpaste, then the soap and then back to the toothpaste. This went on for a couple minutes until he was satisfied that his mouth was thoroughly sanitized. Heaven knows it needed it. Grabbing their bags, that were full of their everyday clothes and other stuff for whatever reason, from the Batmobile they headed to their room. As they walked through the lobby Jason tried flirting with the lady at the desk, but was rudely dragged away by Dick. Sparking a war between the two. Dick wrapped an arm around Jason's neck and held it tight despite Jason's attempts to get free. With Jason still in a choke hold the four boys crammed into the not-big-enough elevator.

"Admit defeat, Jason!" Dick said, tightening his hold.

"No!" Jason gasped. Dick grinned deviously as he loosened his grip and began tickling Jason.

"No! No! Stop!" Jason laughed sliding to the floor of the elevator. Dick tickled him without mercy until the elevator door opened. The three boys shoved their way out of the elevator leaving Jason on the floor.

"Hey, wait up!" Still snickering Jason stumbled out of the elevator after his brothers. Pushing and shoving each other they stood in front of their room door. Damian pushed himself to the front and opened the door to their room.

"What! There's only one bed?!" Tim exclaimed as he flipped the light switch. The three older boys stared down at Damian. Damian just shrugged and plopped down in the chair by the window.

"It was the only room available." Damian replied. Apparently he had no concerns with there being only one bed, mostly likely because he thought he would have it. Dick ran and jumped on the bed.

"I call it, suckers!" He declared.

"Yeah, right!" Jason said, jumping on the bed next to him. Tim jumped on the bed between them and shoved Jason off the edge. Damian watched the three for a moment before getting up and changing into his pajamas. His pants were gray with little yellow and black Batman symbols and his black shirt read 'Because I'm Batman'. Dick had the same idea and changed into his pajamas while Jason and Tim were fighting over the bed. He wore Green Lantern boxers and a red shirt with the Flash symbol on it. Dick jumped on the bed and kicked both Jason and Tim off. Grumbling Jason changed into his blue pajama pants and Tim changed into his black Superboy shirt and navy blue shorts.

"I'm not sharing a bed with him!" Damian declared firmly, pointing a finger at Jason.

"Why? Other than I drool." Jason asked as he fell on the bed causing Dick to bounce up slightly.

"You're not wearing a shirt!" Damian exclaimed as if it was the end of the world. Which it was since he hadn't taken a shower in a couple days.

"It's so everyone can see my many, many, many, many, many- "

"Fat rolls?" Tim suggested. He slapped a hand over his mouth and started laughing. Dick did a SpongeBob laugh cracking Tim up more.

"No." Jason grumbled, giving Tim a withering glare. " I was going to say abs."

Dick made gagging sounds behind him while Damian stuck his tongue out, his face turning green.

"Well, he's in his underwear!" Jason said, pointing at Dick. Dick just shrugged and put his hands behind his head, closing his eyes.

"Could be worse." Dick said. "I could just be wearing a- "

"Shut up!" Jason hollered, slamming a pillow in his older brothers' face.

"Fight of the pillows!" Tim and Damian cheered, grabbing pillows.
The Great Battle Of Pillows is one that shall not be forgotten easily. So many poor and innocent feathers were murdered that night. Sheets were made into capes and heavy blankets into rattails. What loss and what a mess for the poor souls who had to clean it up. After several minutes of thoroughly beating each other with pillows the four boys fell asleep all piled on the bed.

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